# Copyright 2023 highstreet technologies GmbH # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # !/usr/bin/python """ A Class representing a Tower to mount O-RAN RUs It can be interpreted as 'resource pool' for physical network functions. """ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from typing import Any, cast from network_generation.model.python.o_ran_node import IORanNode, ORanNode from network_generation.model.python.o_ran_ru import ORanRu from network_generation.model.python.o_ran_termination_point import ( ORanTerminationPoint, ) # Define the "IoRanDu" interface class ITower(IORanNode): o_ran_ru_count: int default_value: ITower = cast( ITower, { **ORanNode.default(), **{ "o_ran_ru_count": 1, }, }, ) # Implement a concrete O-RAN Node class class Tower(ORanNode): def __init__( self, data: dict[str, Any] = cast(dict[str, Any], default_value), **kwargs: dict[str, Any] ) -> None: tower_data: ITower = self._to_tower_data(data) super().__init__(cast(dict[str, Any], tower_data), **kwargs) self._o_ran_ru_count: int = ( int(str(tower_data["oRanRuCount"])) if tower_data and "oRanRuCount" in tower_data else 3 ) self._o_ran_rus: list[ORanRu] = self._create_o_ran_rus() def _to_tower_data(self, data: dict[str, Any]) -> ITower: result: ITower = default_value for key, key_type in ITower.__annotations__.items(): if key in data: result[key] = data[key] # type: ignore return result def _create_o_ran_rus(self) -> list[ORanRu]: result: list[ORanRu] = [] for index in range(self._o_ran_ru_count): s: str = "00" + str(index) name: str = "-".join( [self.name.replace("Tower", "RU"), s[len(s) - 2: len(s)]] ) cell_count: int = ( self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.configuration[ "pattern" ]["oRanRu"]["nrCellDuCount"] ) cell_angle: int = ( self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.configuration[ "pattern" ]["nrCellDu"]["cellAngle"] ) ru_angle: int = cell_count * cell_angle ru_azimuth: int = index * ru_angle result.append( ORanRu( { "name": name, "geoLocation": self.geo_location, "position": self.position, "layout": self.layout, "parent": self, "cellCount": cell_count, "ruAngle": ru_angle, "ruAzimuth": ru_azimuth, } ) ) return result @property def o_ran_rus(self) -> list[ORanRu]: return self._o_ran_rus def termination_points(self) -> list[ORanTerminationPoint]: result: list[ORanTerminationPoint] = super().termination_points() phy_tp: str = "-".join([self.name, "phy".upper()]) result.append(ORanTerminationPoint({"tp-id": phy_tp})) for interface in ["e2", "o1", "ofhm", "ofhc", "ofhu", "ofhs"]: result.append( ORanTerminationPoint( { "tp-id": "-".join([self.name, interface.upper()]), "supporting-termination-point": [ { "network-ref": type( self.parent.parent.parent.parent ), "node-ref": self.name, "tp-ref": phy_tp, } ], } ) ) return result def to_topology_nodes(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: result: list[dict[str, Any]] = super().to_topology_nodes() for o_ran_ru in self.o_ran_rus: result.extend(o_ran_ru.to_topology_nodes()) return result def to_topology_links(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: result: list[dict[str, Any]] = super().to_topology_links() for o_ran_ru in self.o_ran_rus: result.extend(o_ran_ru.to_topology_links()) return result def toKml(self) -> ET.Element: tower: ET.Element = ET.Element("Folder") open: ET.Element = ET.SubElement(tower, "open") open.text = "1" name: ET.Element = ET.SubElement(tower, "name") name.text = self.name for o_ran_ru in self.o_ran_rus: tower.append(o_ran_ru.toKml()) return tower def toSvg(self) -> ET.Element: return ET.Element("to-be-implemented")