package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "time" "" ) func main() { // configure commando commando. SetExecutableName("alarm-cli"). SetVersion("1.0.0"). SetDescription("This CLI tool provides management interface to SEP alarm system") // Get active alarms commando. Register("active"). SetShortDescription("Displays the SEP active alarms"). SetDescription("This command displays more information about the SEP active alarms"). AddFlag("host", "Alarm manager host address", commando.String, "localhost"). AddFlag("port", "Alarm manager host address", commando.String, "8080"). SetAction(func(args map[string]commando.ArgValue, flags map[string]commando.FlagValue) { displayAlarms(getAlarms(flags, "active"), false) }) // Get alarm history commando. Register("history"). SetShortDescription("Displays the SEP alarm history"). SetDescription("This command displays more information about the SEP alarm history"). AddFlag("host", "Alarm manager host address", commando.String, "localhost"). AddFlag("port", "Alarm manager host address", commando.String, "8080"). SetAction(func(args map[string]commando.ArgValue, flags map[string]commando.FlagValue) { displayAlarms(getAlarms(flags, "history"), true) }) // Raise an alarm commando. Register("raise"). SetShortDescription("Raises alarm with given parameters"). AddFlag("moid", "Managed object Id", commando.String, nil). AddFlag("apid", "Application Id", commando.String, nil). AddFlag("sp", "Specific problem Id", commando.Int, nil). AddFlag("severity", "Perceived severity", commando.String, nil). AddFlag("iinfo", "Application identifying info", commando.String, nil). AddFlag("aai", "Application additional info", commando.String, "-"). AddFlag("host", "Alarm manager host address", commando.String, "localhost"). AddFlag("port", "Alarm manager host address", commando.String, "8080"). SetAction(func(args map[string]commando.ArgValue, flags map[string]commando.FlagValue) { postAlarm(flags, readAlarmParams(flags, false), alarm.AlarmActionRaise) }) // Clear an alarm commando. Register("clear"). SetShortDescription("Raises alarm with given parameters"). AddFlag("moid", "Managed object Id", commando.String, nil). AddFlag("apid", "Application Id", commando.String, nil). AddFlag("sp", "Specific problem Id", commando.Int, nil). AddFlag("iinfo", "Application identifying info", commando.String, nil). AddFlag("host", "Alarm manager host address", commando.String, "localhost"). AddFlag("port", "Alarm manager host address", commando.String, "8080"). SetAction(func(args map[string]commando.ArgValue, flags map[string]commando.FlagValue) { postAlarm(flags, readAlarmParams(flags, true), alarm.AlarmActionClear) }) // parse command-line arguments commando.Parse(nil) } func readAlarmParams(flags map[string]commando.FlagValue, clear bool) (a alarm.Alarm) { a.ManagedObjectId, _ = flags["moid"].GetString() a.ApplicationId, _ = flags["apid"].GetString() a.SpecificProblem, _ = flags["sp"].GetInt() a.IdentifyingInfo, _ = flags["iinfo"].GetString() if !clear { s, _ := flags["severity"].GetString() a.PerceivedSeverity = alarm.Severity(s) } if !clear { a.AdditionalInfo, _ = flags["aai"].GetString() } return } func getAlarms(flags map[string]commando.FlagValue, action alarm.AlarmAction) (alarms []alarm.AlarmMessage) { host, _ := flags["host"].GetString() port, _ := flags["port"].GetString() targetUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%s/ric/v1/alarms/%s", host, port, action) resp, err := http.Get(targetUrl) if err != nil || resp == nil || resp.Body == nil { fmt.Println("Couldn't fetch active alarm list due to error: %v", err) return alarms } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { fmt.Println("ioutil.ReadAll failed: %v", err) return alarms } json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &alarms) return alarms } func postAlarm(flags map[string]commando.FlagValue, a alarm.Alarm, action alarm.AlarmAction) { host, _ := flags["host"].GetString() port, _ := flags["port"].GetString() targetUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%s/ric/v1/alarms", host, port) m := alarm.AlarmMessage{Alarm: a, AlarmAction: action} jsonData, err := json.Marshal(m) if err != nil { fmt.Println("json.Marshal failed: %v", err) return } resp, err := http.Post(targetUrl, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonData)) if err != nil || resp == nil { fmt.Println("Couldn't fetch active alarm list due to error: %v", err) return } } func displayAlarms(alarms []alarm.AlarmMessage, isHistory bool) { t := table.NewWriter() t.SetOutputMirror(os.Stdout) if isHistory { t.AppendHeader(table.Row{"SP", "MOID", "APPID", "IINFO", "SEVERITY", "AAI", "ACTION", "TIME"}) } else { t.AppendHeader(table.Row{"SP", "MOID", "APPID", "IINFO", "SEVERITY", "AAI", "TIME"}) } for _, a := range alarms { alarmTime := time.Unix(0, a.AlarmTime).Format("02/01/2006, 15:04:05") if isHistory { t.AppendRows([]table.Row{ {a.SpecificProblem, a.ManagedObjectId, a.ApplicationId, a.IdentifyingInfo, a.PerceivedSeverity, a.AdditionalInfo, a.AlarmAction, alarmTime}, }) } else { t.AppendRows([]table.Row{ {a.SpecificProblem, a.ManagedObjectId, a.ApplicationId, a.IdentifyingInfo, a.PerceivedSeverity, a.AdditionalInfo, alarmTime}, }) } } t.SetStyle(table.StyleColoredBright) t.Render() }