// - // ========================LICENSE_START================================= // O-RAN-SC // %% // Copyright (C) 2022: Nordix Foundation // %% // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // ========================LICENSE_END=================================== // package security import ( "fmt" "net/http" "net/url" "path" "strings" "sync" "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" copystructure "github.com/mitchellh/copystructure" "k8s.io/utils/strings/slices" "oransc.org/nonrtric/capifcore/internal/common29122" securityapi "oransc.org/nonrtric/capifcore/internal/securityapi" "oransc.org/nonrtric/capifcore/internal/invokermanagement" "oransc.org/nonrtric/capifcore/internal/keycloak" "oransc.org/nonrtric/capifcore/internal/providermanagement" "oransc.org/nonrtric/capifcore/internal/publishservice" ) type Security struct { serviceRegister providermanagement.ServiceRegister publishRegister publishservice.PublishRegister invokerRegister invokermanagement.InvokerRegister keycloak keycloak.AccessManagement trustedInvokers map[string]securityapi.ServiceSecurity lock sync.Mutex } func NewSecurity(serviceRegister providermanagement.ServiceRegister, publishRegister publishservice.PublishRegister, invokerRegister invokermanagement.InvokerRegister, km keycloak.AccessManagement) *Security { return &Security{ serviceRegister: serviceRegister, publishRegister: publishRegister, invokerRegister: invokerRegister, keycloak: km, trustedInvokers: make(map[string]securityapi.ServiceSecurity), } } func (s *Security) PostSecuritiesSecurityIdToken(ctx echo.Context, securityId string) error { var accessTokenReq securityapi.AccessTokenReq accessTokenReq.GetAccessTokenReq(ctx) if valid, err := accessTokenReq.Validate(); !valid { return ctx.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, err) } if !s.invokerRegister.IsInvokerRegistered(accessTokenReq.ClientId) { return sendAccessTokenError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, securityapi.AccessTokenErrErrorInvalidClient, "Invoker not registered") } if !s.invokerRegister.VerifyInvokerSecret(accessTokenReq.ClientId, *accessTokenReq.ClientSecret) { return sendAccessTokenError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, securityapi.AccessTokenErrErrorUnauthorizedClient, "Invoker secret not valid") } if accessTokenReq.Scope != nil && *accessTokenReq.Scope != "" { scope := strings.Split(*accessTokenReq.Scope, "#") aefList := strings.Split(scope[1], ";") for _, aef := range aefList { apiList := strings.Split(aef, ":") if !s.serviceRegister.IsFunctionRegistered(apiList[0]) { return sendAccessTokenError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, securityapi.AccessTokenErrErrorInvalidScope, "AEF Function not registered") } for _, api := range strings.Split(apiList[1], ",") { if !s.publishRegister.IsAPIPublished(apiList[0], api) { return sendAccessTokenError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, securityapi.AccessTokenErrErrorInvalidScope, "API not published") } } } } data := url.Values{"grant_type": {"client_credentials"}, "client_id": {accessTokenReq.ClientId}, "client_secret": {*accessTokenReq.ClientSecret}} jwtToken, err := s.keycloak.GetToken("invokerrealm", data) if err != nil { return sendAccessTokenError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, securityapi.AccessTokenErrErrorUnauthorizedClient, err.Error()) } accessTokenResp := securityapi.AccessTokenRsp{ AccessToken: jwtToken.AccessToken, ExpiresIn: common29122.DurationSec(jwtToken.ExpiresIn), Scope: accessTokenReq.Scope, TokenType: "Bearer", } err = ctx.JSON(http.StatusCreated, accessTokenResp) if err != nil { // Something really bad happened, tell Echo that our handler failed return err } return nil } func (s *Security) DeleteTrustedInvokersApiInvokerId(ctx echo.Context, apiInvokerId string) error { if _, ok := s.trustedInvokers[apiInvokerId]; ok { s.deleteTrustedInvoker(apiInvokerId) } return ctx.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent) } func (s *Security) deleteTrustedInvoker(apiInvokerId string) { s.lock.Lock() defer s.lock.Unlock() delete(s.trustedInvokers, apiInvokerId) } func (s *Security) GetTrustedInvokersApiInvokerId(ctx echo.Context, apiInvokerId string, params securityapi.GetTrustedInvokersApiInvokerIdParams) error { if trustedInvoker, ok := s.trustedInvokers[apiInvokerId]; ok { updatedInvoker := s.checkParams(trustedInvoker, params) if updatedInvoker != nil { err := ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, updatedInvoker) if err != nil { return err } } } else { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("invoker %s not registered as trusted invoker", apiInvokerId)) } return nil } func (s *Security) checkParams(trustedInvoker securityapi.ServiceSecurity, params securityapi.GetTrustedInvokersApiInvokerIdParams) *securityapi.ServiceSecurity { emptyString := "" var sendAuthenticationInfo = (params.AuthenticationInfo != nil) && *params.AuthenticationInfo var sendAuthorizationInfo = (params.AuthorizationInfo != nil) && *params.AuthorizationInfo if sendAuthenticationInfo && sendAuthorizationInfo { return &trustedInvoker } data, _ := copystructure.Copy(trustedInvoker) updatedInvoker, ok := data.(securityapi.ServiceSecurity) if !ok { return nil } if !sendAuthenticationInfo { for i := range updatedInvoker.SecurityInfo { updatedInvoker.SecurityInfo[i].AuthenticationInfo = &emptyString } } if !sendAuthorizationInfo { for i := range updatedInvoker.SecurityInfo { updatedInvoker.SecurityInfo[i].AuthorizationInfo = &emptyString } } return &updatedInvoker } func (s *Security) PutTrustedInvokersApiInvokerId(ctx echo.Context, apiInvokerId string) error { errMsg := "Unable to update security context due to %s." if !s.invokerRegister.IsInvokerRegistered(apiInvokerId) { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, "Unable to update security context due to Invoker not registered") } serviceSecurity, err := getServiceSecurityFromRequest(ctx) if err != nil { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf(errMsg, err)) } if err := serviceSecurity.Validate(); err != nil { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf(errMsg, err)) } err = s.prepareNewSecurityContext(&serviceSecurity, apiInvokerId) if err != nil { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf(errMsg, err)) } uri := ctx.Request().Host + ctx.Request().URL.String() ctx.Response().Header().Set(echo.HeaderLocation, ctx.Scheme()+`://`+path.Join(uri, apiInvokerId)) err = ctx.JSON(http.StatusCreated, s.trustedInvokers[apiInvokerId]) if err != nil { // Something really bad happened, tell Echo that our handler failed return err } return nil } func getServiceSecurityFromRequest(ctx echo.Context) (securityapi.ServiceSecurity, error) { var serviceSecurity securityapi.ServiceSecurity err := ctx.Bind(&serviceSecurity) if err != nil { return securityapi.ServiceSecurity{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid format for service security") } return serviceSecurity, nil } func (s *Security) prepareNewSecurityContext(newContext *securityapi.ServiceSecurity, apiInvokerId string) error { s.lock.Lock() defer s.lock.Unlock() err := newContext.PrepareNewSecurityContext(s.publishRegister.GetAllPublishedServices()) if err != nil { return err } s.trustedInvokers[apiInvokerId] = *newContext return nil } func (s *Security) PostTrustedInvokersApiInvokerIdDelete(ctx echo.Context, apiInvokerId string) error { var notification securityapi.SecurityNotification errMsg := "Unable to revoke invoker due to %s" if err := ctx.Bind(¬ification); err != nil { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf(errMsg, "invalid format for security notification")) } if err := notification.Validate(); err != nil { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf(errMsg, err)) } if ss, ok := s.trustedInvokers[apiInvokerId]; ok { securityInfoCopy := s.revokeTrustedInvoker(&ss, notification, apiInvokerId) if len(securityInfoCopy) == 0 { s.deleteTrustedInvoker(apiInvokerId) } else { ss.SecurityInfo = securityInfoCopy s.updateTrustedInvoker(ss, apiInvokerId) } } else { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusNotFound, "the invoker is not register as a trusted invoker") } return ctx.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent) } func (s *Security) revokeTrustedInvoker(ss *securityapi.ServiceSecurity, notification securityapi.SecurityNotification, apiInvokerId string) []securityapi.SecurityInformation { data, _ := copystructure.Copy(ss.SecurityInfo) securityInfoCopy, _ := data.([]securityapi.SecurityInformation) for i, context := range ss.SecurityInfo { if notification.AefId == context.AefId || slices.Contains(notification.ApiIds, *context.ApiId) { securityInfoCopy = append(securityInfoCopy[:i], securityInfoCopy[i+1:]...) } } return securityInfoCopy } func (s *Security) PostTrustedInvokersApiInvokerIdUpdate(ctx echo.Context, apiInvokerId string) error { var serviceSecurity securityapi.ServiceSecurity errMsg := "Unable to update service security context due to %s" if err := ctx.Bind(&serviceSecurity); err != nil { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf(errMsg, "invalid format for service security context")) } if err := serviceSecurity.Validate(); err != nil { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf(errMsg, err)) } if _, ok := s.trustedInvokers[apiInvokerId]; ok { s.updateTrustedInvoker(serviceSecurity, apiInvokerId) } else { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusNotFound, "the invoker is not register as a trusted invoker") } uri := ctx.Request().Host + ctx.Request().URL.String() ctx.Response().Header().Set(echo.HeaderLocation, ctx.Scheme()+`://`+path.Join(uri, apiInvokerId)) err := ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, s.trustedInvokers[apiInvokerId]) if err != nil { // Something really bad happened, tell Echo that our handler failed return err } return nil } func (s *Security) updateTrustedInvoker(serviceSecurity securityapi.ServiceSecurity, invokerId string) { s.lock.Lock() defer s.lock.Unlock() s.trustedInvokers[invokerId] = serviceSecurity } func sendAccessTokenError(ctx echo.Context, code int, err securityapi.AccessTokenErrError, message string) error { accessTokenErr := securityapi.AccessTokenErr{ Error: err, ErrorDescription: &message, } return ctx.JSON(code, accessTokenErr) } // This function wraps sending of an error in the Error format, and // handling the failure to marshal that. func sendCoreError(ctx echo.Context, code int, message string) error { pd := common29122.ProblemDetails{ Cause: &message, Status: &code, } err := ctx.JSON(code, pd) return err }