// - // ========================LICENSE_START================================= // O-RAN-SC // %% // Copyright (C) 2022: Nordix Foundation // %% // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // ========================LICENSE_END=================================== // package publishservice import ( "fmt" "net/http" "path" "strings" "sync" "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "k8s.io/utils/strings/slices" "oransc.org/nonrtric/capifcore/internal/common29122" "oransc.org/nonrtric/capifcore/internal/eventsapi" publishapi "oransc.org/nonrtric/capifcore/internal/publishserviceapi" "oransc.org/nonrtric/capifcore/internal/helmmanagement" "oransc.org/nonrtric/capifcore/internal/providermanagement" log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" ) //go:generate mockery --name PublishRegister type PublishRegister interface { // Checks if the provided APIs are published. // Returns true if all provided APIs have been published, false otherwise. AreAPIsPublished(serviceDescriptions *[]publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription) bool // Checks if the provided API is published. // Returns true if the provided API has been published, false otherwise. IsAPIPublished(aefId, path string) bool // Gets all published APIs. // Returns a list of all APIs that has been published. GetAllPublishedServices() []publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription } type PublishService struct { publishedServices map[string][]publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription serviceRegister providermanagement.ServiceRegister helmManager helmmanagement.HelmManager eventChannel chan<- eventsapi.EventNotification lock sync.Mutex } // Creates a service that implements both the PublishRegister and the publishserviceapi.ServerInterface interfaces. func NewPublishService(serviceRegister providermanagement.ServiceRegister, hm helmmanagement.HelmManager, eventChannel chan<- eventsapi.EventNotification) *PublishService { return &PublishService{ helmManager: hm, publishedServices: make(map[string][]publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription), serviceRegister: serviceRegister, eventChannel: eventChannel, } } func (ps *PublishService) AreAPIsPublished(serviceDescriptions *[]publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription) bool { if serviceDescriptions != nil { registeredApis := ps.getAllAefIds() return checkNewDescriptions(*serviceDescriptions, registeredApis) } return true } func (ps *PublishService) getAllAefIds() []string { ps.lock.Lock() defer ps.lock.Unlock() allIds := []string{} for _, descriptions := range ps.publishedServices { for _, description := range descriptions { allIds = append(allIds, getIdsFromDescription(description)...) } } return allIds } func getIdsFromDescription(description publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription) []string { allIds := []string{} if description.AefProfiles != nil { for _, aefProfile := range *description.AefProfiles { allIds = append(allIds, aefProfile.AefId) } } return allIds } func checkNewDescriptions(newDescriptions []publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription, registeredAefIds []string) bool { registered := true for _, newApi := range newDescriptions { if !checkProfiles(newApi.AefProfiles, registeredAefIds) { registered = false break } } return registered } func checkProfiles(newProfiles *[]publishapi.AefProfile, registeredAefIds []string) bool { allRegistered := true if newProfiles != nil { for _, profile := range *newProfiles { if !slices.Contains(registeredAefIds, profile.AefId) { allRegistered = false break } } } return allRegistered } func (ps *PublishService) IsAPIPublished(aefId, path string) bool { return slices.Contains(ps.getAllAefIds(), aefId) } func (ps *PublishService) GetAllPublishedServices() []publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription { publishedDescriptions := []publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription{} for _, descriptions := range ps.publishedServices { publishedDescriptions = append(publishedDescriptions, descriptions...) } return publishedDescriptions } // Retrieve all published APIs. func (ps *PublishService) GetApfIdServiceApis(ctx echo.Context, apfId string) error { serviceDescriptions, ok := ps.publishedServices[apfId] if ok { err := ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, serviceDescriptions) if err != nil { // Something really bad happened, tell Echo that our handler failed return err } } else { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Provider %s not registered", apfId)) } return nil } // Publish a new API. func (ps *PublishService) PostApfIdServiceApis(ctx echo.Context, apfId string) error { var newServiceAPIDescription publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription err := ctx.Bind(&newServiceAPIDescription) if err != nil { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid format for service "+apfId) } ps.lock.Lock() defer ps.lock.Unlock() registeredFuncs := ps.serviceRegister.GetAefsForPublisher(apfId) for _, profile := range *newServiceAPIDescription.AefProfiles { if !slices.Contains(registeredFuncs, profile.AefId) { return sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Function %s not registered", profile.AefId)) } } newId := "api_id_" + newServiceAPIDescription.ApiName newServiceAPIDescription.ApiId = &newId shouldReturn, returnValue := ps.installHelmChart(newServiceAPIDescription, ctx) if shouldReturn { return returnValue } go ps.sendEvent(newServiceAPIDescription, eventsapi.CAPIFEventSERVICEAPIAVAILABLE) _, ok := ps.publishedServices[apfId] if ok { ps.publishedServices[apfId] = append(ps.publishedServices[apfId], newServiceAPIDescription) } else { ps.publishedServices[apfId] = append([]publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription{}, newServiceAPIDescription) } uri := ctx.Request().Host + ctx.Request().URL.String() ctx.Response().Header().Set(echo.HeaderLocation, ctx.Scheme()+`://`+path.Join(uri, *newServiceAPIDescription.ApiId)) err = ctx.JSON(http.StatusCreated, newServiceAPIDescription) if err != nil { // Something really bad happened, tell Echo that our handler failed return err } return nil } func (ps *PublishService) installHelmChart(newServiceAPIDescription publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription, ctx echo.Context) (bool, error) { info := strings.Split(*newServiceAPIDescription.Description, ",") if len(info) == 5 { err := ps.helmManager.InstallHelmChart(info[1], info[2], info[3], info[4]) if err != nil { return true, sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to install Helm chart %s due to: %s", info[3], err.Error())) } log.Debug("Installed service: ", newServiceAPIDescription.ApiId) } return false, nil } // Unpublish a published service API. func (ps *PublishService) DeleteApfIdServiceApisServiceApiId(ctx echo.Context, apfId string, serviceApiId string) error { serviceDescriptions, ok := ps.publishedServices[string(apfId)] if ok { pos, description := getServiceDescription(serviceApiId, serviceDescriptions) if description != nil { info := strings.Split(*description.Description, ",") if len(info) == 5 { ps.helmManager.UninstallHelmChart(info[1], info[3]) log.Debug("Deleted service: ", serviceApiId) } ps.lock.Lock() defer ps.lock.Unlock() ps.publishedServices[string(apfId)] = removeServiceDescription(pos, serviceDescriptions) go ps.sendEvent(*description, eventsapi.CAPIFEventSERVICEAPIUNAVAILABLE) } } return ctx.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent) } // Retrieve a published service API. func (ps *PublishService) GetApfIdServiceApisServiceApiId(ctx echo.Context, apfId string, serviceApiId string) error { ps.lock.Lock() defer ps.lock.Unlock() serviceDescriptions, ok := ps.publishedServices[apfId] if ok { _, serviceDescription := getServiceDescription(serviceApiId, serviceDescriptions) if serviceDescription == nil { return ctx.NoContent(http.StatusNotFound) } err := ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, serviceDescription) if err != nil { // Something really bad happened, tell Echo that our handler failed return err } return nil } return ctx.NoContent(http.StatusNotFound) } func getServiceDescription(serviceApiId string, descriptions []publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription) (int, *publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription) { for pos, description := range descriptions { if serviceApiId == *description.ApiId { return pos, &description } } return -1, nil } func removeServiceDescription(i int, a []publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription) []publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription { a[i] = a[len(a)-1] // Copy last element to index i. a[len(a)-1] = publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription{} // Erase last element (write zero value). a = a[:len(a)-1] // Truncate slice. return a } // Modify an existing published service API. func (ps *PublishService) ModifyIndAPFPubAPI(ctx echo.Context, apfId string, serviceApiId string) error { return ctx.NoContent(http.StatusNotImplemented) } // Update a published service API. func (ps *PublishService) PutApfIdServiceApisServiceApiId(ctx echo.Context, apfId string, serviceApiId string) error { pos, publishedService, shouldReturn, returnValue := ps.checkIfServiceIsPublished(apfId, serviceApiId, ctx) if shouldReturn { return returnValue } updatedServiceDescription, shouldReturn, returnValue := getServiceFromRequest(ctx) if shouldReturn { return returnValue } if updatedServiceDescription.Description != nil { ps.lock.Lock() defer ps.lock.Unlock() publishedService.Description = updatedServiceDescription.Description ps.publishedServices[apfId][pos] = publishedService go ps.sendEvent(publishedService, eventsapi.CAPIFEventSERVICEAPIUPDATE) } err := ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, ps.publishedServices[apfId][pos]) if err != nil { // Something really bad happened, tell Echo that our handler failed return err } return nil } func (ps *PublishService) checkIfServiceIsPublished(apfId string, serviceApiId string, ctx echo.Context) (int, publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription, bool, error) { publishedServices, ok := ps.publishedServices[apfId] if !ok { return 0, publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription{}, true, sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, "Service must be published before updating it") } else { for pos, description := range publishedServices { if *description.ApiId == serviceApiId { return pos, description, false, nil } } } return 0, publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription{}, true, sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, "Service must be published before updating it") } func getServiceFromRequest(ctx echo.Context) (publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription, bool, error) { var updatedServiceDescription publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription err := ctx.Bind(&updatedServiceDescription) if err != nil { return publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription{}, true, sendCoreError(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid format for service") } return updatedServiceDescription, false, nil } func (ps *PublishService) sendEvent(service publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription, eventType eventsapi.CAPIFEvent) { apiIds := []string{*service.ApiId} apis := []publishapi.ServiceAPIDescription{service} event := eventsapi.EventNotification{ EventDetail: &eventsapi.CAPIFEventDetail{ ApiIds: &apiIds, ServiceAPIDescriptions: &apis, }, Events: eventType, } ps.eventChannel <- event } // This function wraps sending of an error in the Error format, and // handling the failure to marshal that. func sendCoreError(ctx echo.Context, code int, message string) error { pd := common29122.ProblemDetails{ Cause: &message, Status: &code, } err := ctx.JSON(code, pd) return err }