import json import hdbscan import pandas as pd import joblib import os from ad_model.processing import preprocess from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # Ranges for input features based on excellent, good, average, & poor category UEKeyList = ['MeasTimestampRF', 'UEPDCPBytesDL', 'UEPDCPBytesUL', 'UEPRBUsageDL', 'UEPRBUsageUL', 'S_RSRP', 'S_RSRQ', 'S_SINR', 'UEID'] sigstr = {'S_RSRP': {'Excellent Signal': [-80, 10000000000000000], 'Good Signal': [-90, -80], 'Average Signal': [-100, -90], 'Poor Signal': [-100000000000000000, -100]}, 'S_RSRQ': {'Excellent Signal': [-10, 10000000000000000], 'Good Signal': [-15, -10], 'Average Signal': [-20, -15], 'Poor Signal': [-100000000000000000, -20]}, 'S_SINR': {'Excellent Signal': [20, 10000000000000000], 'Good Signal': [13, 20], 'Average Signal': [0, 13], 'Poor Signal': [-100000000000000000, 0]}} PRB = {'UEPRBUsageDL': {'Excellent Signal': [25, 10000000000000000], 'Good Signal': [20, 25], 'Average Signal': [10, 20], 'Poor Signal': [-100000000000000000, 10]}, 'UEPRBUsageUL': {'Excellent Signal': [15, 10000000000000000], 'Good Signal': [10, 15], 'Average Signal': [5, 10], 'Poor Signal': [-100000000000000000, 5]}} tput = {'UEPDCPBytesDL': {'Excellent Signal': [300000, 10000000000000000], 'Good Signal': [200000, 300000], 'Average Signal': [100000, 200000], 'Poor Signal': [-100000000000000000, 100000]}, 'UEPDCPBytesUL': {'Excellent Signal': [125000, 10000000000000000], 'Good Signal': [100000, 125000], 'Average Signal': [10000, 100000], 'Poor Signal': [-100000000000000000, 10000]}} def category(df, ranges): # Based on ranges, each sample is return with category(excellent, good, average, & poor category). data = df.copy() for block in ranges: df = data[list(block.keys())].copy() for key, value in block.items(): temp = data[list(block.keys())].copy() for cat, bounds in value.items(): ind = temp[(temp[key] <= bounds[1]) & (temp[key] > bounds[0])].index df.loc[ind, key] = cat data[df.columns] = df # Maximum category value is considered as final category value. category = data[['UEPDCPBytesDL', 'UEPDCPBytesUL', 'UEPRBUsageDL', 'UEPRBUsageUL', 'S_RSRP', 'S_RSRQ', 'S_SINR']].mode(axis=1)[0] return category class modelling(object): def __init__(self, data): self.time = data.MeasTimestampRF = data.UEID = data.drop(['UEID', 'MeasTimestampRF'], axis=1) def dbscan(self): """ Train hdbscan for the input dataframe save the hdbscan model """ df = hdb = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=16000, min_samples=5, prediction_data=True).fit(df) joblib.dump(hdb, 'ad/hdbscan')['Category'] = hdb.labels_ # Stores the labels into category field def RandomForest(self, y): """ Transform categorical label into numeric(Save the LabelEncoder). Create Train and Test split for Random Forest Classifier and Save the model """ df = le = LabelEncoder() y = le.fit_transform(y) joblib.dump(le, 'ad/LabelEncoder') X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df, y, test_size=0.20, stratify=y, random_state=42) rf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=9, random_state=0), y_train) # Fit the RFC model print("X_train cols:", X_train.columns) joblib.dump(rf, 'ad/RF') # Save the RF model def train(): """ Main function to perform training on input files Read all the csv file in the current path and create trained model """ print('Training Starts : ') path = 'ad/ue_data/' df = pd.DataFrame() # Read all the csv files and store the combined data into df for file in os.listdir(path): df = df.append(pd.read_csv(path + file)) df = df[UEKeyList] df.index = range(len(df)) y = category(df, [sigstr, PRB, tput]) seg = {} # Save the category of each UEID and save it as json file for ue in df.UEID.unique(): seg[str(ue)] = list(set(y[df[df['UEID'] == ue].index])) with open('ue_seg.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(seg, outfile) # Do a preprocessing, processing and save the model ps = preprocess(df) ps.process() df = db = modelling(df) # db.dbscan() db.RandomForest(y)