# ================================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia # Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ================================================================================== from flask import Response import connexion import json from a1 import get_module_logger from a1 import a1rmr, exceptions, utils logger = get_module_logger(__name__) def _get_needed_policy_info(policyname): """ Get the needed info for a policy """ # Currently we read the manifest on each call, which would seem to allow updating A1 in place. Revisit this? manifest = utils.get_ric_manifest() for m in manifest["controls"]: if m["name"] == policyname: schema = m["message_receives_payload_schema"] if "message_receives_payload_schema" in m else None return ( utils.rmr_string_to_int(m["message_receives_rmr_type"]), schema, utils.rmr_string_to_int(m["message_sends_rmr_type"]), ) raise exceptions.PolicyNotFound() def _try_func_return(func): """ generic caller that returns the apporp http response if exceptions are raised """ try: return func() except exceptions.PolicyNotFound as exc: logger.exception(exc) return "", 404 except exceptions.MissingManifest as exc: logger.exception(exc) return "A1 was unable to find the required RIC manifest. report this!", 500 except exceptions.MissingRmrString as exc: logger.exception(exc) return "A1 does not have a mapping for the desired rmr string. report this!", 500 except exceptions.MessageSendFailure as exc: logger.exception(exc) return "A1 was unable to send a needed message to a downstream subscriber", 504 except exceptions.ExpectedAckNotReceived as exc: logger.exception(exc) return "A1 was expecting an ACK back but it didn't receive one or didn't recieve the expected ACK", 504 except BaseException as exc: # catch all, should never happen... logger.exception(exc) return Response(status=500) def _put_handler(policyname, data): """ Handles policy put """ mtype_send, schema, mtype_return = _get_needed_policy_info(policyname) # validate the PUT against the schema, or if there is no shema, make sure the pUT is empty if schema: utils.validate_json(data, schema) elif data != {}: return "BODY SUPPLIED BUT POLICY HAS NO EXPECTED BODY", 400 # send rmr, wait for ACK return_payload = a1rmr.send_ack_retry(json.dumps(data), message_type=mtype_send, expected_ack_message_type=mtype_return) # right now it is assumed that xapps respond with JSON payloads # it is further assumed that they include a field "status" and that the value "SUCCESS" indicates a good policy change try: rpj = json.loads(return_payload) return (rpj, 200) if rpj["status"] == "SUCCESS" else ({"reason": "BAD STATUS", "return_payload": rpj}, 502) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return {"reason": "NOT JSON", "return_payload": return_payload}, 502 except KeyError: return {"reason": "NO STATUS", "return_payload": rpj}, 502 # Public def put_handler(policyname): """ Handles policy replacement """ data = connexion.request.json return _try_func_return(lambda: _put_handler(policyname, data)) def get_handler(policyname): """ Handles policy GET """ return "", 501