# About This project shows how to instantiate a Powder experiment programmatically via the Powder portal API. In [powder/experiment.py](powder/experiment.py), there is a class `PowderExperiment`, which serves as the main abstraction for starting, interacting with, and terminating a single Powder experiment. It relies on [powder/rpc.py](powder/rpc.py) for interacting with the Powder RPC server In [start-profile.py](start-profile.py), you can see how one might use it to instantiate a Powder experiment by specifying a given profile name ## Getting Started In order to run [start-profile.py](start-profile.py) or otherwise use the tools in this project, you'll need a Powder account to which you've added your public `ssh` key. If you haven't already done this, you can find instructions [here](https://docs.powderwireless.net/users.html#%28part._ssh-access%29). You'll also need to download your Powder credentials. You'll find a button to do so in the drop-down menu accessed by clicking on your username after logging into the Powder portal. This will download a file called `cloudlab.pem`, which you will need later. You will need to make sure the machine you are using has `python3` installed, as well as the packages in [requirements.txt](requirements.txt). You can install the packages by doing ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Whatever machine you are using to run [start-profile.py](start-profile.py), it will need a local copy of the `cloudlab.pem` file you downloaded earlier. ### Running the Example The RPC client that `PowderExperiment` relies on to interact with the Powder RPC server expects some environment variables to be set. If your private `ssh` key is encrypted, the key password needs to be set in an environment variable as well, unless you have already started `ssh-agent`. If your ssh key is encrypted: ```bash set +o history PROJECT=your_project_name PROFILE=your_profile_name \ USER=your_powder_username PWORD=your_powder_password \ CERT=/path/to/your/cloulab.pem KEYPWORD=your_ssh_key_password ./start-profile.py ``` If not: ```bash set +o history PROJECT=your_project_name PROFILE=your_profile_name \ USER=your_powder_username PWORD=your_powder_password \ CERT=/path/to/your/cloulab.pem ./start-profile.py ``` The `set +o history` command will keep these passwords out of your `bash` history (assuming you're using `bash`). The PROJECT and PROFILE environment variables are optional, as by default it will use the 'osc' project which is dedicated to the OSC community usage, and 'ubuntu-20' profile for the widely used Ubuntu 20.04 image. It can take more than 30 minutes for instantiating a profile provided to [start-profile.py](start-profile.py) to complete, but you'll see intermittent messages on `stdout` indicating progress and logging results. In some cases, the Powder resources required by [start-profile.py](start-profile.py) might not be available. If so, you'll see a log message that indicates as much and the script will exit; you can look at the [Resource Availability](https://www.powderwireless.net/resinfo.php) page on the Powder portal to see the status of the required instance. After completion, the script will exit with a message about failure/success.