# RIC tracing helper library The library includes a function for creating a configured tracer instance. It hides the underlaying tracer implementation from the application. ## Usage Create a global tracer ```c #include #include opentracing::Tracer::InitGlobal(tracelibcpp::createTracer("my-service-name")); ``` Span context propagation between different software components in RIC is using a TextMap carrier and JSON format serialization. The [opentracing C++](https://github.com/opentracing/opentracing-cpp) Readme gives examples how span context **inject** and **extract** with textmap can be done. Serialization to JSON can be done with any JSON library. ## Configuration The trace library currently supports only [Jaeger](https://www.jaegertracing.io/) [C++ client](https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-client-cpp) tracer implementation. The configuration is done using environment variables: | environment variable | values | default | | ---------------------------- |------------------------------------ | -------------- | | TRACING_ENABLED | 1, true, 0, false | false | | TRACING_JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE | const, propabilistic, ratelimiting | const | | TRACING_JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM | float | 0.001 | | TRACING_JAEGER_AGENT_ADDR | IP addr + port | | | TRACING_JAEGER_LOG_LEVEL | all, error, none | none | Meaning of the configuration variables is described in Jaeger web pages. By default a no-op tracer is created. ## Requires cmake gcc/c++ ## Build mkdir build cd build cmake .. make ## Unit testing To run unit tests the project needs to be configured with testing option cmake -DWITH_TESTING=ON .. make check Or with output CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 make check ## Coverage Unit testing generates also coverage data. To get that in html format run commands, assuming you are building in `build` dir under the tracelibcpp ```shell lcov -c --no-external --base-directory $(dirname $PWD) --directory . --output-file cov.info genhtml cov.info ``` ## Binary package support Binary packages of the libary can be created with `make package` target, or with the Dockerfile in the `ci` directory. The Docker build executes unit tests and compiles binary packages which can then be exported from the container by running it and giving the target directory as a command line argument. The target directory must mounted to the container. ```shell # Build the container docker build -t tracelibcpp -f ci/Dockerfile . # Export binary packages to /tmp docker run -v /tmp:/tmp tracelibcpp /tmp ``` ## License See [LICENSES.txt](LICENSES.txt) file.