## Building containers To accommodate the git repo access issue, the cgts-client and distributed client are cloned into temp before docker building ```sh mkdir -p temp cd temp git clone https://opendev.org/starlingx/config.git git clone https://opendev.org/starlingx/distcloud-client.git cd - ``` ```sh docker-compose build ``` ## Running the tests ```sh source ./admin_openrc.sh export |grep OS_AUTH_URL export |grep OS_USERNAME export |grep OS_PASSWORD docker-compose up -d docker-compose run --rm --no-deps --entrypoint=pytest api /tests/unit /tests/integration ``` ## Running the tests with a O-Cloud Prerequisite: in case of testing against real ocloud, download openrc file from ocloud dashboard, e.g. ```sh admin_openrc.sh docker-compose run --rm --no-deps --entrypoint=pytest api /tests/unit /tests/integration-ocloud docker-compose run --rm --no-deps --entrypoint=pytest api /tests/integration-ocloud --log-level=DEBUG --log-file=/test s/debug.log ``` ## Tear down containers ```sh docker-compose down --remove-orphans ``` ## Test with local virtualenv ```sh python3.8 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt -c constraints.txt pip install -r requirements-test.txt pip install -e o2ims # pip install -e o2dms -e o2common pytest tests/unit pytest tests/integration pytest tests/e2e ```