// // Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property // Copyright 2019 Nokia // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package rmrmsghandlers import ( "e2mgr/mocks" "e2mgr/models" "e2mgr/rmrCgo" "fmt" "testing" "time" ) const PackedEndcConfigurationUpdateAck = "2025000a00000100f70003000000" const PackedEndcConfigurationUpdateFailure = "402500080000010005400142" func initEndcConfigurationUpdateHandlerTest(t *testing.T) (EndcConfigurationUpdateHandler, *mocks.RmrMessengerMock) { log := initLog(t) rmrMessengerMock := &mocks.RmrMessengerMock{} rmrSender := initRmrSender(rmrMessengerMock, log) h := NewEndcConfigurationUpdateHandler(log, rmrSender) return h, rmrMessengerMock } func TestHandleEndcConfigUpdateSuccess(t *testing.T) { h, rmrMessengerMock := initEndcConfigurationUpdateHandlerTest(t) ranName := "test" xAction := []byte("123456aa") var payload []byte _, _ = fmt.Sscanf(PackedEndcConfigurationUpdateAck, "%x", &payload) mBuf := rmrCgo.NewMBuf(rmrCgo.RIC_ENDC_CONF_UPDATE_ACK, len(payload), ranName, &payload, &xAction) notificationRequest := models.NotificationRequest{RanName: mBuf.Meid, Len: mBuf.Len, Payload: *mBuf.Payload, StartTime: time.Now(), TransactionId: *mBuf.XAction} var err error rmrMessengerMock.On("SendMsg", mBuf, true).Return(&rmrCgo.MBuf{}, err) h.Handle(¬ificationRequest) rmrMessengerMock.AssertCalled(t, "SendMsg", mBuf, true) } func TestHandleEndcConfigUpdateFailure(t *testing.T) { h, rmrMessengerMock := initEndcConfigurationUpdateHandlerTest(t) ranName := "test" xAction := []byte("123456aa") var payload []byte _, _ = fmt.Sscanf(PackedEndcConfigurationUpdateFailure, "%x", &payload) mBuf := rmrCgo.NewMBuf(rmrCgo.RIC_ENDC_CONF_UPDATE_FAILURE, len(payload), ranName, &payload, &xAction) notificationRequest := models.NotificationRequest{RanName: mBuf.Meid, Len: 0, Payload: []byte{0}, StartTime: time.Now(), TransactionId: *mBuf.XAction} rmrMessengerMock.On("SendMsg", mBuf, true).Return(&rmrCgo.MBuf{}, fmt.Errorf("send failure")) h.Handle(¬ificationRequest) rmrMessengerMock.AssertCalled(t, "SendMsg", mBuf, true) }