// // Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property // Copyright 2019 Nokia // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // This source code is part of the near-RT RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) // platform project (RICP). package converters // #cgo CFLAGS: -I../3rdparty/asn1codec/inc/ -I../3rdparty/asn1codec/e2ap_engine/ // #cgo LDFLAGS: -L ../3rdparty/asn1codec/lib/ -L../3rdparty/asn1codec/e2ap_engine/ -le2ap_codec -lasncodec // #include // #include import "C" import ( "e2mgr/e2pdus" "e2mgr/logger" "gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/ric-plt/nodeb-rnib.git/entities" "unsafe" ) type EndcSetupFailureResponseConverter struct { logger *logger.Logger } type IEndcSetupFailureResponseConverter interface { UnpackEndcSetupFailureResponseAndExtract(packedBuf []byte) (*entities.SetupFailure, error) } func NewEndcSetupFailureResponseConverter(logger *logger.Logger) *EndcSetupFailureResponseConverter { return &EndcSetupFailureResponseConverter{ logger: logger, } } // Populate and return the EN-DC/X2 setup response failure structure with data from the pdu func endcX2SetupFailureResponseToProtobuf(pdu *C.E2AP_PDU_t) (*entities.SetupFailure, error) { setupFailure := entities.SetupFailure{} if pdu.present == C.E2AP_PDU_PR_unsuccessfulOutcome { //dereference a union of pointers (C union is represented as a byte array with the size of the largest member) unsuccessfulOutcome := *(**C.UnsuccessfulOutcome_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&pdu.choice[0])) if unsuccessfulOutcome != nil && unsuccessfulOutcome.value.present == C.UnsuccessfulOutcome__value_PR_ENDCX2SetupFailure { endcX2SetupFailure := (*C.ENDCX2SetupFailure_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&unsuccessfulOutcome.value.choice[0])) if endcX2SetupFailure != nil && endcX2SetupFailure.protocolIEs.list.count > 0 { count:=int(endcX2SetupFailure.protocolIEs.list.count) endcX2SetupFailure_IEs_slice := (*[1 << 30]*C.ENDCX2SetupFailure_IEs_t)(unsafe.Pointer(endcX2SetupFailure.protocolIEs.list.array))[:count:count] for _, endcX2SetupFailure_IE := range endcX2SetupFailure_IEs_slice { if endcX2SetupFailure_IE != nil { switch endcX2SetupFailure_IE.value.present { case C.ENDCX2SetupFailure_IEs__value_PR_Cause: causeIE := (*C.Cause_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&endcX2SetupFailure_IE.value.choice[0])) err := getCause(causeIE, &setupFailure) if err != nil { return nil, err } case C.ENDCX2SetupFailure_IEs__value_PR_TimeToWait: setupFailure.TimeToWait = entities.TimeToWait(1 + *((*C.TimeToWait_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&endcX2SetupFailure_IE.value.choice[0])))) case C.ENDCX2SetupFailure_IEs__value_PR_CriticalityDiagnostics: cdIE := (*C.CriticalityDiagnostics_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&endcX2SetupFailure_IE.value.choice[0])) if cd, err := getCriticalityDiagnostics(cdIE); err == nil { setupFailure.CriticalityDiagnostics = cd } else { return nil, err } } } } } } } return &setupFailure, nil } func (c *EndcSetupFailureResponseConverter) UnpackEndcSetupFailureResponseAndExtract(packedBuf []byte) (*entities.SetupFailure, error) { pdu, err := UnpackX2apPdu(c.logger, e2pdus.MaxAsn1CodecAllocationBufferSize, len(packedBuf), packedBuf, e2pdus.MaxAsn1CodecMessageBufferSize) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.delete_pdu(pdu) return endcX2SetupFailureResponseToProtobuf(pdu) }