/****************************************************************************** ############################################################################### # Copyright (c) [2017-2020] [ICT/CAS] # # Licensed under the ORAN Software License v1.0 (License) # ############################################################################### ******************************************************************************/ #include "vos_types.h" #include "vos_linklist.h" #include "vos_module.h" #include "vos_sem.h" #include "cuupCommon.h" #include "msgb.h" #include "bitsPack.h" #include "pdcpu.h" #include "gnbCommon.h" #include "pdcpCommon.h" #include "pdcpuCore.h" #include "cuupUeIdTransf.h" #include "cuupTest.h" extern PdcpuUeInfo_t *gPdcpuUeInfo[MAX_UE_NUM]; extern CuupUeIdxTable_t gPdcpuUeIdxTable; extern ULONG gPdcpuModuleId; ULONG gPdcpuUlModuleId; extern INT32 sdapUlDataProc(UINT64 upE1apId, UINT64 sessId, UINT64 drbId, MsgbBuff_t *pMsgBuff); INT32 pdcpuUlInit(ULONG userModuleId) { gPdcpuUlModuleId = userModuleId; return VOS_OK; } INT32 pdcpuUnpackPduHead(MsgbBuff_t *pMsgBuff, PdcpSnSize_e snSize, UINT8 *pPdutype, UINT32 *pSn) { BitOpt_t bit; UINT8 *pMsgHead = msgbData(pMsgBuff); UINT16 pduLen = msgbDataUsedLen(pMsgBuff); initBits(&bit, pMsgHead, pduLen, 0); *pPdutype = unpackBits(&bit, 1); if(PDCP_CTRL_PDU == *pPdutype) { //*pCtrlPduType = unpackBits(&bit, 3); return 0; }else if(PDCP_DATA_PDU == *pPdutype) { if(LEN12BITS == snSize) { /*************D/C + 3R + PDCP SN = 16bits*************/ skipBits(&bit, 3, BIT_UNPACKED); *pSn = unpackBits(&bit, LEN12BITS); return PDCP_SN_12_HEAD_LEN; }else if(LEN18BITS == snSize) { /*************D/C + 5R + PDCP SN =24bits*************/ skipBits(&bit, 5, BIT_UNPACKED); *pSn = unpackBits(&bit, LEN18BITS); return PDCP_SN_18_HEAD_LEN; }else { pdcpuLog(LOG_ERR,"[PDCPU] sn size is wrong!\n"); return VOS_ERROR; } } return VOS_OK; } INT32 pdcpuDecideCountAndHFN(PdcpStateVar_t *pStateVar, INT32 rcvdSn, PdcpSnSize_e snSize) { UINT32 rcvdHFN = 0; UINT32 rxDeliv = pStateVar->rxDelivery; INT32 tmp = 0; if(LEN12BITS == snSize) { tmp = GET_SN_12_SN(rxDeliv) - SN_12_WINDOW_SIZE; if(rcvdSn < tmp) { rcvdHFN = GET_HFN_12_SN(rxDeliv) + 1; }else if(rcvdSn >= GET_SN_12_SN(rxDeliv) + SN_12_WINDOW_SIZE) { rcvdHFN = GET_HFN_12_SN(rxDeliv) - 1; }else { rcvdHFN = GET_HFN_12_SN(rxDeliv); } pStateVar->rxCount = GET_COUNT_12_SN(rcvdHFN, rcvdSn); }else if(LEN18BITS == snSize) { tmp = GET_SN_18_SN(rxDeliv) - SN_18_WINDOW_SIZE; if(rcvdSn < tmp) { rcvdHFN = GET_HFN_18_SN(rxDeliv) + 1; }else if(rcvdSn >= GET_SN_18_SN(rxDeliv) + SN_18_WINDOW_SIZE) { rcvdHFN = GET_HFN_18_SN(rxDeliv) - 1; }else { rcvdHFN = GET_HFN_18_SN(rxDeliv); } pStateVar->rxCount = GET_COUNT_18_SN(rcvdHFN, rcvdSn); }else { pdcpuLog(LOG_ERR,"[PDCPU] sn size is wrong!\n"); return VOS_ERROR; } return VOS_OK; } INT32 pdcpuCtrlPduProc(MsgbBuff_t *pMsgBuff, PdcpCtrlPduType_e ctrlPduType, PdcpDrbEntity_t *pPdcpDrbEntity) { pdcpuMsgbFree(pMsgBuff); return VOS_OK; } INT32 pdcpuDelivUldata(PdcpDrbEntity_t *pDrbEntity) { /* traverse list and send data to SDAP */ struct cl_lib_listnode *pNode = NULL; PdcpuDataBuffNode_t *pDataInBuff1 = NULL; PdcpuDataBuffNode_t *pDataInBuff2 = NULL; UINT32 count = 0; pNode = cl_lib_listhead(pDrbEntity->pRxSduList); if(NULL == pNode) { /* There is no data in buffer */ VOS_Printf("there is no data in buffer\n"); return VOS_OK; } pDataInBuff1 = (PdcpuDataBuffNode_t *)cl_lib_getdata(pNode); if(pDataInBuff1->count == pDrbEntity->stateVar.rxDelivery) { while(pNode) { cl_lib_nextnode (pNode); count = pDataInBuff1->count; /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++test+++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ //VOS_Printf("\n[pdcp ul data] pdcpuDelivUldata ueIdx:%d ueE1apId:%d drbId:%d count:%d \n", // pDrbEntity->ueIdx,pDrbEntity->ueE1apId,pDrbEntity->drbId,count); //printfMsgbBuff(pDataInBuff1->pData); /*---------------------------test----------------------------*/ /* delivery to sdap,if sdapUlDataProc return VOS_OK,free the data else, also free the data */ sdapUlDataProc(pDrbEntity->ueE1apId,pDrbEntity->pduSessionId,pDrbEntity->drbId,pDataInBuff1->pData); /* update stateVar */ pDrbEntity->stateVar.rxDelivery = count + 1; /* delete rx buffer */ cl_lib_listnode_delete(pDrbEntity->pRxSduList, pDataInBuff1); pdcpuFreeDataBuffNode(pDataInBuff1); if(NULL == pNode) { /* There is no more data in buffer */ return VOS_OK; } pDataInBuff2 = (PdcpuDataBuffNode_t *)cl_lib_getdata(pNode); if(NULL == pDataInBuff2) { /* There is no more data in buffer */ pdcpuLog(LOG_ERR,"[PDCPU] data is null\n"); return VOS_ERROR; } if(pDataInBuff2->count == count + 1) { /* The data is continuously */ pDataInBuff1 = pDataInBuff2; }else if(pDataInBuff2->count > count + 1) { /* The data is not continuously */ return VOS_OK; }else { pdcpuLog(LOG_ERR,"[PDCPU] out of order in receiving buffer!\n"); return VOS_ERROR; } } return VOS_OK; }else if(pDataInBuff1->count > pDrbEntity->stateVar.rxDelivery) { /* the data whose count value is equal to rxDelivery,is still waited for */ return VOS_OK; }else { pdcpuLog(LOG_ERR,"[PDCPU] rxbuff is wrong!\n"); return VOS_ERROR; } return VOS_OK; } /******************************************************************************* * pdcp-u ul data process * INPUT: * ueE1apId: E1AP ID of the UE * drbId: ID of data radio bearer * pMsgBuff: SDAP PDU * OUTPUT: * 0: success * -1:failed *******************************************************************************/ INT32 pdcpuUlDataProc(UINT64 ueE1apId, UINT8 drbId, MsgbBuff_t *pMsgBuff) { UINT8 pduType = 0; UINT32 rcvdSn = 0; UINT32 count = 0; INT8 pduHeadLen = 0; UINT16 ueIdx = 0xffff; INT32 ret = -1; PdcpSnSize_e snSize; PdcpDrbEntity_t *pPdcpDrbEntity = NULL; PdcpStateVar_t *pStateVar = NULL; pdcpuNullCheck(pMsgBuff); UINT8 *pMsgHead = msgbData(pMsgBuff); UINT16 pduLen = msgbDataUsedLen(pMsgBuff); if(pduLen<1) { pdcpuMsgbFree(pMsgBuff); pdcpuLog(LOG_ERR,"[PDCPU] data len is too small!\n"); return VOS_ERROR; } if(VOS_ERROR == cuupGetUeIdx(ueE1apId, &ueIdx, &gPdcpuUeIdxTable)) { pdcpuLog(LOG_ERR,"[PDCPU] add ueE1apId failed\n"); pdcpuMsgbFree(pMsgBuff); return VOS_ERROR; } pdcpuGetEntity(ueIdx, drbId, pPdcpDrbEntity); pdcpuNullCheck(pPdcpDrbEntity); snSize = pPdcpDrbEntity->pdcpSnSizeUl; pStateVar = &pPdcpDrbEntity->stateVar; /* get pdcp pdu type */ BitOpt_t bit; initBits(&bit, pMsgHead, pduLen, 0); pduType = unpackBits(&bit, 1); if(PDCP_DATA_PDU == pduType) { //1.analysis pdcp header: shall not move the data start pointer pduHeadLen = pdcpuUnpackPduHead(pMsgBuff, snSize, &pduType, &rcvdSn); if(VOS_ERROR == pduHeadLen) { pdcpuLog(LOG_ERR,"[PDCPU] unpack pdu head wrong!\n"); pdcpuMsgbFree(pMsgBuff); return VOS_ERROR; } //make sure received HFN and received Count if(VOS_ERROR == pdcpuDecideCountAndHFN(pStateVar, rcvdSn, snSize)) { pdcpuLog(LOG_ERR,"[PDCPU] get count wrong!\n"); pdcpuMsgbFree(pMsgBuff); return VOS_ERROR; } count = pStateVar->rxCount; //2.deciphering : except pdcp pdu head, the SDAP header and the SDAP Control PDU //get sdap pdu type BitOpt_t SdapHeadbit; UINT8 *pSdapPduHead = msgbData(pMsgBuff) + pduHeadLen; initBits(&SdapHeadbit, pSdapPduHead, 1, 0); //5.remove pdcp pdu head msgbHeadPull(pMsgBuff, pduHeadLen); ret = sdapUlDataProc(ueE1apId,pPdcpDrbEntity->pduSessionId,drbId,pMsgBuff); pPdcpDrbEntity->stateVar.rxDelivery = count + 1; if(VOS_OK == ret) { pdcpuMsgbFree(pMsgBuff); return VOS_OK; }else { pdcpuMsgbFree(pMsgBuff); pdcpuLog(LOG_ERR,"[PDCPU] ul proc failed\n"); return VOS_ERROR; } } return VOS_OK; }