/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2020 ICT/CAS. * * Licensed under the O-RAN Software License, Version 1.0 (the "Software License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.o-ran.org/software * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "cuupTest.h" INT32 printfPduSessionCfgType(UpcCfgType_e type) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfTransLayerAddr(TransLayerAddr_t *pAddr) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfNguInstance(NguInstance_t *pNguInstance) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfNguCfgResult(NguCfgResult_t *pCfg) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfSecuResult(SecuResult_t *pResult) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfPdcpRlcMode(PdcpRlcMode_e mode) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfDrbEntity(PdcpDrbEntity_t *pEntity) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfDrbFailedCause(DrbFailedCause_t *p) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfPdcpuCfgResult(PdcpuCfgResult_t *pResult) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfCuf1uInstance(Cuf1uInstance_t *pF1u) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfCuf1uSetupInfo(Cuf1uSetupInfo_t *pInfo) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfCuf1uCfgResult(Cuf1uCfgResult_t *pResult) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfPdcpuSecInfo(PdcpuSecInfo_t *pSec) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfVosSockAddr(vos_sockaddr_t *pAddr) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfTun(Tun_t *pTun) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfPdcpuSecEnableInfo(PdcpuSecEnableInfo_t *pInfo) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfCuupUeIdxTable(CuupUeIdxTable_t *pTable) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfMsgbBuff(MsgbBuff_t *pMsgBuff) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfExPduInfo(ExPduInfo_t *pPdu) { return VOS_OK; } INT32 printfSdapNewInstance(SdapGlobalDtat_t *pGlobalData) { return VOS_OK; }