*** Settings *** Suite Setup Flush Redis Library Process Resource ../Resource/resource.robot Library OperatingSystem Library REST ${url} *** Variables *** ${file} ${CURDIR}/addtoredis.py ${flush_file} ${CURDIR}/flush.py *** Test Cases *** Add nodes to redis db ${result}= Run Process python3.6 ${file} Should Be Equal As Strings ${result.stdout} Insert successfully to Redis Get all node ids ${result}= GET v1/nodeb-ids #Output Integer response status 200 String response body 0 inventoryName test1 String response body 0 globalNbId plmnId 02f829 String response body 0 globalNbId nbId 007a80 String response body 1 inventoryName test2 String response body 1 globalNbId plmnId 03f829 String response body 1 globalNbId nbId 001234 *** Keywords *** Flush Redis ${result}= Run Process python3.6 ${flush_file} Should Be Equal As Strings ${result.stdout} Flush Success