Docs: update user guide, add host netdevice settings, set hugepage size to 0
[pti/o2.git] / tox.ini
1 # content of: tox.ini , put in same dir as\r
2 [tox]\r
3 envlist=\r
4     flake8,\r
5     code,\r
6     docs,\r
7     docs-linkcheck,\r
8 \r
9 minversion = 2.0\r
10 skipsdist = True\r
11 \r
12 [testenv]\r
13 basepython =\r
14     code: python3.8\r
15     flake8: python3.8\r
16 setenv =\r
17         VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}\r
18 \r
19 # NOTE: relative paths were used due to '-w' flag for nosetests util\r
20 \r
21 usedevelop = True\r
22 install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}\r
23 deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt\r
24        -r{toxinidir}/requirements-test.txt\r
25 whitelist_externals = bash, flake8, pytest\r
26 \r
27 [testenv:flake8]\r
28 commands =\r
29     flake8 o2ims\r
30     flake8 o2dms\r
31     flake8 o2common\r
32 \r
33 [testenv:code]\r
34 commands =\r
35     pytest tests/unit\r
36 \r
37 [testenv:nosetests]\r
38 commands =\r
39     pytest tests/unit\r
40 \r
41 \r
42 [testenv:docs]\r
43 basepython = python3\r
44 deps =\r
45     sphinx\r
46     sphinx-rtd-theme\r
47     sphinxcontrib-httpdomain\r
48     recommonmark\r
49     lfdocs-conf\r
50 \r
51 commands =\r
52     sphinx-build -W -b html -n -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./docs/ {toxinidir}/docs/_build/html\r
53 \r
54     echo "Generated docs available in {toxinidir}/docs/_build/html"\r
55 \r
56 whitelist_externals = echo\r
57 \r
58 [testenv:docs-linkcheck]\r
59 basepython = python3\r
60 deps = sphinx\r
61        sphinx-rtd-theme\r
62        sphinxcontrib-httpdomain\r
63        recommonmark\r
64        lfdocs-conf\r
65 commands = sphinx-build -W -b linkcheck -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./docs/ {toxinidir}/docs/_build/linkcheck\r