Implement GET and /healthcheck
[ric-plt/a1.git] / tests / fixtures / ricmanifest.json
1 {
2   "controls":[
3     {
4       "name":"admission_control_policy",
5       "description":"various parameters to control admission of dual connection",
6       "control_state_request_rmr_type":"DC_ADM_GET_POLICY",
7       "control_state_request_reply_rmr_type":"DC_ADM_GET_POLICY_ACK",
8       "message_receives_rmr_type":"DC_ADM_INT_CONTROL",
9       "message_receives_payload_schema":{
10         "$schema":"",
11         "type":"object",
12         "properties":{
13           "enforce":{
14             "type":"boolean",
15             "default":true
16           },
17           "window_length":{
18             "type":"integer",
19             "default":1,
20             "minimum":1,
21             "maximum":60,
22             "description":"Sliding window length (in minutes)"
23           },
24           "blocking_rate":{
25             "type":"number",
26             "default":10,
27             "minimum":1,
28             "maximum":100,
29             "description":"% Connections to block"
30           },
31           "trigger_threshold":{
32             "type":"integer",
33             "default":10,
34             "minimum":1,
35             "description":"Minimum number of events in window to trigger blocking"
36           }
37         },
38         "additionalProperties":false
39       },
40       "message_sends_rmr_type":"DC_ADM_INT_CONTROL_ACK",
41       "message_sends_payload_schema":{
42         "$schema":"",
43         "type":"object",
44         "properties":{
45           "status":{
46             "type":"string",
47             "enum":[
48               "SUCCESS",
49               "FAIL"
50             ]
51           },
52           "message":{
53             "type":"string"
54           }
55         },
56         "required":[
57           "status"
58         ],
59         "additionalProperties":false
60       }
61     },
62     {
63       "name":"test_policy",
64       "description":"for the purposes of testing",
65       "message_receives_rmr_type":"TEST_REQ",
66       "message_sends_rmr_type":"TEST_ACK",
67       "message_sends_payload_schema":{
68         "$schema":"",
69         "type":"object",
70         "properties":{
71           "status":{
72             "type":"string",
73             "enum":[
74               "SUCCESS",
75               "FAIL"
76             ]
77           }
78         }
79       }
80     }
81   ]
82 }