Merge "Simulator updates"
[nonrtric.git] / sdnc-a1-controller / oam / SdncReports / SdncReportsApi / src / main / resources / static / form-viewReport.html
1 <!-- /*
2    * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
4    * ================================================================================
5    * Copyright 2018 TechMahindra
6    *=================================================================================
7    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10    *
11    *
12    *
13    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17    * limitations under the License.
18    * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
19    */
20     -->
21 <div class="ReportMain" style="height:auto ;">  
22    <div class="heading"><img src="images/search.png" width=30 height="30" style="margin-left:5px;">&nbsp;&nbsp;Search For Historical Test Reports</div>
23    <form name="myForm">
24       <div class="row">
25          <div role="alert" style="margin-left:20px;margin-bottom:5px;">
26             <button class="btn btn-danger ReportNotification" ng-show="showError"><img src="images/error.png" width=25 height="25" class="ReportImgIcon">{{errorMessage}}</button>
27             <button class="btn btn-success ReportNotification" ng-show="showSuccess"><img src="images/success.png" width=30 height="30" class="ReportImgIcon">{{successMessage}}</button>
28             <button class="btn btn-warning ReportNotification" ng-show="showWarning"><img src="images/waning.png" width=35 height="25" class="ReportImgIcon">{{warningMessage}}</button>
29          </div>
30          <div class="column" style="background-color:#f2f2f2;width:40%;">
31             <label for="exampleInput" class="labeltext">Start Date</label>
32             <input type="date" id="exampleInput" name="input" ng-model="startdate.value"
33                placeholder="yyyy-MM-dd" style="margin-left:75px;width:170px;" required/>
34             <div role="alert">
35                <span class="error" ng-show="myForm.input.$error.required">
36                Required!</span>
37                <span class="error" ng-show="myForm.input.$">
38                Not a valid date!</span>
39             </div>
40          </div>
41          <div class="column" style="background-color:#f2f2f2;margin-left:0px;width:50%;">
42             <label for="exampleEndInput" class="labeltext">End Date</label>
43             <input type="date" id="exampleEndInput" name="enddate" ng-model="enddate.value"
44                placeholder="yyyy-MM-dd" style="width:170px;" required/>
45             <div role="alert">
46                <span class="error" ng-show="myForm.input.$error.required">
47                Required!</span>
48                <span class="error" ng-show="myForm.input.$">
49                Not a valid date!</span>
50             </div>
51          </div>
52       </div>
53       <div class="row">
54          <div class="column" style="background-color:#f2f2f2;width:90%;">
55             <label class="labeltext">Specify Device IP</label>
56             <input type="text" ng-model="deviceIP" name="text" style="margin-left:25px;width:170px;" required></input>
57             <div role="alert">
58                <span class="error" ng-show="myForm.text.$error.required">
59                Required!</span>
60                <span class="error" ng-show="myForm.text.$">
61                Not a valid date!</span>
62             </div>
63          </div>
64       </div>
65       <div class="row">
66          <input type="submit" id="btnSubmit" ng-click="getReports(deviceIP,startdate.value,enddate.value)" style="width:120px;"></input>
67       </div>
68        <table class="tableDisplay" ng-show="ShowResult" id="tableToExport">
69       <tr class="first_row">
70          <th>SNo.
71          </th>
72          <th colspan="2" style="text-align:center;">TestName
73          </th>
74          <th>DeviceIP
75          </th>
76          <th>Timestamp
77          </th>
78          <th>Status
79          </th>
80          <th style="width:20%;">Statistics (%Loss)</th>
81          <th style="width:20%;">Average Time (ms)</th>
82          <th colspan="2" style="text-align:center;">Result
83          </th>
84       </tr>
85       <tr dir-paginate="test in objTestModel | itemsPerPage: 4">
86          <td>{{$index+1}}
87          </td>
88          <td><img src="{{(test.testname=='Network Layer') ? 'images/images.png': 'images/protocol.png'}}" width=40 height=30 ></img></td>
89          <td>{{test.testname}}
90          </td>
91          <td>{{test.deviceIP}}
92          </td>
93          <td>{{test.timeStamp}}
94          </td>
95          <td>{{test.executionDetails.status | uppercase}}
96          </td>
97           <td>{{test.executionDetails.statistics}}
98          </td>
99          </td>
100           <td>{{test.executionDetails.avgTime}}
101          </td>
102          <td>{{test.result}}</td>
103          <td><img src="{{(test.result=='pass'||'reachable') ? 'images/success.png': 'images/FailImage.png'}}" width=30 height=25></img>       
104       </tr>
105    </table>
106    </form>
108    <div class="row">
109       <div class="column">
110          <dir-pagination-controls ng-show="pagination"
111             max-size="5"
112             direction-links="true"
113             boundary-links="true" >
114          </dir-pagination-controls>
115       </div>
116       <div class="column" style="margin-top:10px;" ng-show="ShowResult"> 
117          <span class='arrowRed'>&#8594;</span>
118          <label class="labeltext">UnReachable</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;
119          <span class='arrowGreen'>&#8594;</span>
120          <label class="labeltext">Reachable</label>
121       </div>
122    </div>
123    <div class="row">          
124       <button type="button" ng-csv="objTestModel" class="btndownload" ng-show="ShowResult" filename="fileName.csv" csv-column-order="csvOrder" csv-header="['TestName','DeviceIP','TimeStamp','Status','Statistics','AvgTime','Result']">Download</button>
125       <img src="images/downloadImage.png" width=30 height="30" ng-show="ShowResult" style="margin-left:5px;">
126    </div>
127 </div>
128 </body>
129 </html>