[com/asn1c.git] / sample-Certificate-1.xer
1 <Certificate>
2     <version>3</version>
3     <type><explicit/></type>
4     <issuer>
5         <sha256AndDigest>AF 23 26 18 BE 5E 6F 55</sha256AndDigest>
6     </issuer>
7     <toBeSigned>
8         <id>
9             <name>vehicle-test.example.com</name>
10         </id>
11         <cracaId>5E 6F 5B</cracaId>
12         <crlSeries>2</crlSeries>
13         <validityPeriod>
14             <start>17469212</start>
15             <duration>
16                 <years>10</years>
17             </duration>
18         </validityPeriod>
19         <region>
20             <identifiedRegion>
21                     <countryOnly>12</countryOnly>
23                     <countryOnly>34</countryOnly>
25             </identifiedRegion>
26         </region>
27         <appPermissions>
28             <PsidSsp>
29                 <psid>35</psid>
30                 <ssp>
31                     <opaque>83 00 01</opaque>
32                 </ssp>
33             </PsidSsp>
34         </appPermissions>
35         <certIssuePermissions>
36             <PsidGroupPermissions>
37                 <subjectPermissions>
38                     <all></all>
39                 </subjectPermissions>
40                 <minChainDepth>2</minChainDepth>
41                 <chainDepthRange>0</chainDepthRange>
42                 <eeType>
43                     11000000
44                 </eeType>
45             </PsidGroupPermissions>
46             <PsidGroupPermissions>
47                 <subjectPermissions>
48                     <explicit>
49                         <PsidSspRange>
50                             <psid>35</psid>
51                             <sspRange>
52                                 <all></all>
53                             </sspRange>
54                         </PsidSspRange>
55                         <PsidSspRange>
56                             <psid>256</psid>
57                             <sspRange>
58                                 <all></all>
59                             </sspRange>
60                         </PsidSspRange>
61                     </explicit>
62                 </subjectPermissions>
63                 <minChainDepth>1</minChainDepth>
64                 <chainDepthRange>-1</chainDepthRange>
65                 <eeType>
66                     11000000
67                 </eeType>
68             </PsidGroupPermissions>
69         </certIssuePermissions>
70         <verifyKeyIndicator>
71             <verificationKey>
72                 <ecdsaNistP256>
73                     <compressed-y-0>
74                         08 C3 C0 70 B0 40 C0 40 10 80 33 07 0D 05 01 CE 
75                         0C 0A 08 06 01 7B 00 F0 30 D2 03 EA 04 BE 09 03
76                     </compressed-y-0>
77                 </ecdsaNistP256>
78             </verificationKey>
79         </verifyKeyIndicator>
80     </toBeSigned>
81     <signature>
82         <ecdsaNistP256Signature>
83             <r>
84                 <x-only>
85                     08 B2 03 01 04 02 0A 0D 01 0C 01 05 C0 F8 0B B1 
86                     46 02 39 34 8D 17 40 5C 1A 84 51 51 D4 06 12 00
87                 </x-only>
88             </r>
89             <s>
90                 26 17 CF 4E 6B 25 09 7F 03 F5 02 AD 0C 6F 2F 12 
91                 59 74 70 0D 31 A6 0F D1 EF 12 04 0E 4D 82 31 AB
92             </s>
93         </ecdsaNistP256Signature>
94     </signature>
95 </Certificate>