3 This directory contains configurations, templates, and scripts for deploying a Kubernetes cluster for RIC and other AUX functions.
5 Two methods of deployment are supported:
6 - Single node Kubernetes cluster deployment:
7 - A cloud init script that installs the docker-kubernetes-helm stack onto a VM launched using cloud Ubuntu 16.04 image.
8 - The same script can be run on a newly launched VM using cloud Ubuntu 16.04 image to install the same infrastructure software stack.
9 - Multi-node, dual-cluster deployment:
10 - Using OpenStack Heat Orchestration Template, calling OpenStack stack creation API to create two sets of VMs, one for RIC cluster and the other for AUX cluster.
11 - Installing docker-kubernetes-helm stack on each of the VMs.
12 - Configuring each set of VMs into a Kubernets cluster.
13 - Configure well-known host name resolutions.
15 ### Directory Structure
19 - gen-ric-heat-yaml.sh
38 - k8s_vm_aux_install.sh
39 - k8s_vm_custom_repos.sh
46 All configurations are under etc directory
48 - This file contains configurations for Gerrit, Helm, and Docker registry that will be used for hosting artifacts for the deployment.
50 - This file contains configuratuions infrastructure software stack, e.g. versions of docker, Kubernetes, and Helm software to be installed.
51 - Normally there is no need to modify this file.
53 - This file contains configuratuions for the local OpenStack instance that will be used for deploying the Heat stacks.
56 ### Deploying 1-node Kubernetes
58 1. Must complete the local configuration in etc/env.rc file.
60 3. ./gen-cloud-init.sh
61 4. The generated cloud init file is named k8s-1node-cloud-init.sh
62 5. Use the generate k8s-1node-cloud-init.sh script:
63 a. At VM launch time, paste in the contents of the k8s-1node-cloud-init.sh file to the "Customnization script" window of the "Configuration" step, when using Horizon dashboard to launch new VM.
64 b. Copy the k8s-1node-cloud-init.sh file to a newly launched cloud image Ubuntu 16.04 VM. Run the script in a "sudo -i" shell.
65 6. After the execution of the script is completed, run "kubectl get pods --all-namespaces" to check.
67 ### Deploying Dual Kubernetes Cluster
68 1. Must complete the local configuration in etc/env.rc and etc/openstack.rc files.
71 4. After the execution is completed, go to WORKDIR_ric and WORKDIR_aux to see the file that contains the IP addresses of the VMs.
72 5. ssh into the -mst VMs (master nodes) of the clusters, run run "kubectl get pods --all-namespaces" to check.