Merge "Adding new Simple consumer producer rapp packages"
[nonrtric/plt/rappmanager.git] / openapi / acm / acm-spec.yaml
1 #  ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
2 #  Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Nordix Foundation
3 #  ================================================================================
4 #  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 #  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 #  You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 #
8 #
9 #
10 #  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 #  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 #  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 #  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 #  limitations under the License.
15 #
16 #  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
17 #  ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
18 openapi: 3.0.1
19 info:
20   title: Api Documentation
21   description: Api Documentation
22   termsOfService: urn:tos
23   contact: {}
24   license:
25     name: Apache 2.0
26     url:
27   version: "1.0"
28 servers:
29   - url: https://{server}
30     variables:
31       server:
32         default: onap/policy/clamp/acm/v2
33         description: This value is assigned by the service provider
34 tags:
35   - name: Participant Monitoring
36     description: Pariticipant Monitoring Controller, for monitoring of and requesting information from participants
37   - name: Automation Composition Definition
38     description: Automation Composition Definition Controller, for definition and management of Automation Composition Types
39   - name: Automation Composition Instance
40     description: Automation Composition Instance Controller, for definition and management of Automation Composition Instances
42 paths:
43   /participants:
44     get:
45       tags:
46         - Participant Monitoring
47       summary: Query Particicpants
48       description: Query the participants that are registered on the ACM runtime
49       operationId: queryParticipants
50       parameters:
51         - name: name
52           in: query
53           required: false
54           description: Automation composition definition name. Regular expressions are supported for filtering. If
55             this parameter is not specified, all automation composition definitions are returned.
56           schema:
57             type: string
58         - name: version
59           in: query
60           required: false
61           description: Automation composition definition version. Regular expressions are supported for filtering. If this
62             parameter is not specified, all automation composition definitions that match the "name" filter are are returned.
63           schema:
64             type: string
65         - name: X-onap-RequestId
66           in: header
67           description: RequestID for http transaction
68           schema:
69             type: string
70             format: uuid
71       responses:
72         200:
73           description: OK, serialised array of instances of
74             [ParticipantInformation](
75             that contains information on participants with their information and status. Each participant entry contains
76             a list of AC Element types on the participant. Each AC Element type entry contains a list of AC Element
77             instances on the Participant.
78           headers:
79             X-LatestVersion:
80               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
81             X-PatchVersion:
82               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
83             X-MinorVersion:
84               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
85             X-onap-RequestId:
86               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
87           content:
88             application/json:
89               schema:
90                 type: array
91                 items:
92                   $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParticipantInformation'
93               example:
94                 externalValue: ''
95             application/yaml:
96               schema:
97                 type: array
98                 items:
99                   $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParticipantInformation'
100               example:
101                 externalValue: ''
102         401:
103           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
104             [SimpleResponse](
105           headers:
106             X-LatestVersion:
107               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
108             X-PatchVersion:
109               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
110             X-MinorVersion:
111               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
112             X-onap-RequestId:
113               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
114           content:
115             application/json:
116               schema:
117                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
118         500:
119           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
120             [SimpleResponse](
121           headers:
122             X-LatestVersion:
123               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
124             X-PatchVersion:
125               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
126             X-MinorVersion:
127               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
128             X-onap-RequestId:
129               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
130           content:
131             application/json:
132               schema:
133                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
134       security:
135         - basicAuth: []
136       x-interface info:
137         api-version: 1.0.0
138         last-mod-release: London
139     put:
140       tags:
141         - Participant Monitoring
142       summary: Order an immendiate Participant Report from all participants
143       description: Requests all participants to immediately generate a heartbeat report with their information and status
144         and the information and status of all their AC Element Types and Instances. The results are published on subsequent
145         GET REST requests on the "participants" endpoint.
146       operationId: orderAllParticipantsReport
147       parameters:
148         - name: X-onap-RequestId
149           in: header
150           description: RequestID for http transaction
151           schema:
152             type: string
153             format: uuid
154       responses:
155         202:
156           description: Accepted, the request has been accepted and forwarded to participants
157           headers:
158             X-LatestVersion:
159               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
160             X-PatchVersion:
161               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
162             X-MinorVersion:
163               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
164             X-onap-RequestId:
165               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
166         400:
167           description: Bad Request, returns an instance of
168             [SimpleResponse](
169           headers:
170             X-LatestVersion:
171               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
172             X-PatchVersion:
173               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
174             X-MinorVersion:
175               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
176             X-onap-RequestId:
177               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
178           content:
179             application/json:
180               schema:
181                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
182         401:
183           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
184             [SimpleResponse](
185           headers:
186             X-LatestVersion:
187               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
188             X-PatchVersion:
189               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
190             X-MinorVersion:
191               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
192             X-onap-RequestId:
193               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
194           content:
195             application/json:
196               schema:
197                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
198         500:
199           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
200             [SimpleResponse](
201           headers:
202             X-LatestVersion:
203               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
204             X-PatchVersion:
205               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
206             X-MinorVersion:
207               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
208             X-onap-RequestId:
209               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
210           content:
211             application/json:
212               schema:
213                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
214       security:
215         - basicAuth: []
216       x-interface info:
217         api-version: 1.0.0
218         last-mod-release: London
219       x-codegen-request-body-name: body
220   /participants/{participantId}:
221     get:
222       tags:
223         - Participant Monitoring
224       summary: Get details of the requested participant
225         definitions
226       description: Get details of the requested commissioned participant, returning all pariticipant details
227       operationId: getParticipant
228       parameters:
229         - name : participantId
230           in: path
231           description: The UUID of the participant to get
232           required: true
233           schema:
234             type: string
235             format: uuid
236         - name: X-onap-RequestId
237           in: header
238           description: RequestID for http transaction
239           schema:
240             type: string
241             format: uuid
242       responses:
243         200:
244           description: Serialised instance of
245             [ParticipantInformation](
246             that information on the participant with its information and status. The participant entry contains
247             a list of AC Element types on the participant. Each AC Element type entry contains a list of AC Element
248             instances on the Participant.
249           headers:
250             X-LatestVersion:
251               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
252             X-PatchVersion:
253               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
254             X-MinorVersion:
255               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
256             X-onap-RequestId:
257               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
258           content:
259             application/json:
260               schema:
261                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/ParticipantInformation'
262               example:
263                 externalValue: ''
264             application/yaml:
265               schema:
266                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/ToscaServiceTemplate'
267               example:
268                 externalValue: ''
269         401:
270           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
271             [SimpleResponse](
272           headers:
273             X-LatestVersion:
274               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
275             X-PatchVersion:
276               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
277             X-MinorVersion:
278               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
279             X-onap-RequestId:
280               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
281           content:
282             application/json:
283               schema:
284                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
285         404:
286           description: Specified participant not found, returns an instance of
287             [SimpleResponse](
288           headers:
289             X-LatestVersion:
290               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
291             X-PatchVersion:
292               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
293             X-MinorVersion:
294               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
295             X-onap-RequestId:
296               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
297           content:
298             application/json:
299               schema:
300                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
301         500:
302           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
303             [SimpleResponse](
304           headers:
305             X-LatestVersion:
306               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
307             X-PatchVersion:
308               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
309             X-MinorVersion:
310               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
311             X-onap-RequestId:
312               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
313           content:
314             application/json:
315               schema:
316                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
317       security:
318         - basicAuth: []
319       x-interface info:
320         api-version: 1.0.0
321         last-mod-release: London
322     put:
323       tags:
324         - Participant Monitoring
325       summary: Order an immendiate Participant Report from a participant
326       description: Requests the participants to immediately generate a heartbeat report with its information and status
327         and the information and status of all its AC Element Types and Instances. The results are published on subsequent
328         GET REST requests on the "participants" endpoint.
329       operationId: orderParticipantReport
330       parameters:
331         - name : participantId
332           in: path
333           description: The UUID of the participant to get
334           required: true
335           schema:
336             type: string
337             format: uuid
338         - name: X-onap-RequestId
339           in: header
340           description: RequestID for http transaction
341           schema:
342             type: string
343             format: uuid
344       responses:
345         202:
346           description: Accepted, the request has been accepted and forwarded to participants
347           headers:
348             X-LatestVersion:
349               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
350             X-PatchVersion:
351               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
352             X-MinorVersion:
353               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
354             X-onap-RequestId:
355               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
356         400:
357           description: Bad Request, returns an instance of
358             [SimpleResponse](
359           headers:
360             X-LatestVersion:
361               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
362             X-PatchVersion:
363               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
364             X-MinorVersion:
365               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
366             X-onap-RequestId:
367               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
368           content:
369             application/json:
370               schema:
371                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
372         401:
373           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
374             [SimpleResponse](
375           headers:
376             X-LatestVersion:
377               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
378             X-PatchVersion:
379               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
380             X-MinorVersion:
381               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
382             X-onap-RequestId:
383               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
384           content:
385             application/json:
386               schema:
387                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
388         404:
389           description: Specified participant not found, returns an instance of
390             [SimpleResponse](
391           headers:
392             X-LatestVersion:
393               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
394             X-PatchVersion:
395               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
396             X-MinorVersion:
397               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
398             X-onap-RequestId:
399               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
400           content:
401             application/json:
402               schema:
403                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
404         500:
405           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
406             [SimpleResponse](
407           headers:
408             X-LatestVersion:
409               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
410             X-PatchVersion:
411               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
412             X-MinorVersion:
413               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
414             X-onap-RequestId:
415               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
416           content:
417             application/json:
418               schema:
419                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
420       security:
421         - basicAuth: []
422       x-interface info:
423         api-version: 1.0.0
424         last-mod-release: London
425       x-codegen-request-body-name: body
426   /compositions:
427     get:
428       tags:
429         - Automation Composition Definition
430       summary: Query the commissioned automation composition definitions
431         definitions
432       description: Query the commissioned automation composition
433         definitions, returning the automation composition details
434       operationId: queryCompositionDefinitions
435       parameters:
436         - name: name
437           in: query
438           required: false
439           description: Automation composition definition name. Regular expressions are supported for filtering. If
440             this parameter is not specified, all automation composition definitions are returned.
441           schema:
442             type: string
443         - name: version
444           in: query
445           required: false
446           description: Automation composition definition version. Regular expressions are supported for filtering. If this
447             parameter is not specified, all automation composition definitions that match the "name" filter are are returned.
448           schema:
449             type: string
450         - name: X-onap-RequestId
451           in: header
452           description: RequestID for http transaction
453           schema:
454             type: string
455             format: uuid
456       responses:
457         200:
458           description: Serialised instance of
459             [ToscaServiceTemplates](
460             that contains the automation composition definitions that match the requested filters.
461           headers:
462             X-LatestVersion:
463               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
464             X-PatchVersion:
465               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
466             X-MinorVersion:
467               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
468             X-onap-RequestId:
469               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
470           content:
471             application/json:
472               schema:
473                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/ToscaServiceTemplates'
474               example:
475                 externalValue: ''
476             application/yaml:
477               schema:
478                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/ToscaServiceTemplates'
479               example:
480                 externalValue: ''
481         401:
482           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
483             [SimpleResponse](
484           headers:
485             X-LatestVersion:
486               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
487             X-PatchVersion:
488               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
489             X-MinorVersion:
490               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
491             X-onap-RequestId:
492               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
493           content:
494             application/json:
495               schema:
496                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
497         500:
498           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
499             [SimpleResponse](
500           headers:
501             X-LatestVersion:
502               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
503             X-PatchVersion:
504               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
505             X-MinorVersion:
506               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
507             X-onap-RequestId:
508               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
509           content:
510             application/json:
511               schema:
512                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
513       security:
514         - basicAuth: []
515       x-interface info:
516         api-version: 1.0.0
517         last-mod-release: London
518     post:
519       tags:
520         - Automation Composition Definition
521       summary: Commissions automation composition definitions
522       description: Commissions automation composition definitions, returning the UUIDs of
523         automation composition definitions commissioned by this request.
524       operationId: createCompositionDefinitions
525       parameters:
526         - name: X-onap-RequestId
527           in: header
528           description: RequestID for http transaction
529           schema:
530             type: string
531             format: uuid
532       requestBody:
533         description: Serialised instance of
534           [ToscaServiceTemplate](
535           containing the automation composition definitions to be commissioned.
536         content:
537           application/json:
538             schema:
539               $ref: '#/components/schemas/ToscaServiceTemplate'
540             example:
541               externalValue: ''
542           application/yaml:
543             schema:
544               $ref: '#/components/schemas/ToscaServiceTemplate'
545             example:
546               externalValue: ''
547         required: true
548       responses:
549         201:
550           description: Serialised instance of
551             [CommissioningResponse](
552             containing the UUIDs of automation composition definitions created by this request
553           headers:
554             X-LatestVersion:
555               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
556             X-PatchVersion:
557               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
558             X-MinorVersion:
559               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
560             X-onap-RequestId:
561               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
562           content:
563             application/json:
564               schema:
565                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/CommissioningResponse'
566               example:
567                 externalValue: ''
568             application/yaml:
569               schema:
570                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/CommissioningResponse'
571               example:
572                 externalValue: ''
573         401:
574           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
575             [SimpleResponse](
576           headers:
577             X-LatestVersion:
578               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
579             X-PatchVersion:
580               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
581             X-MinorVersion:
582               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
583             X-onap-RequestId:
584               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
585           content:
586             application/json:
587               schema:
588                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
589         400:
590           description: Bad Request, returns an instance of
591             [SimpleResponse](
592           headers:
593             X-LatestVersion:
594               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
595             X-PatchVersion:
596               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
597             X-MinorVersion:
598               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
599             X-onap-RequestId:
600               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
601           content:
602             application/json:
603               schema:
604                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
605         500:
606           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
607             [SimpleResponse](
608           headers:
609             X-LatestVersion:
610               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
611             X-PatchVersion:
612               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
613             X-MinorVersion:
614               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
615             X-onap-RequestId:
616               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
617           content:
618             application/json:
619               schema:
620                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
621       security:
622         - basicAuth: []
623       x-interface info:
624         api-version: 1.0.0
625         last-mod-release: London
626       x-codegen-request-body-name: body
627   /compositions/{compositionId}:
628     get:
629       tags:
630         - Automation Composition Definition
631       summary: Get details of the requested commissioned automation composition
632         definitions
633       description: Get details of the requested commissioned automation composition
634         definitions, returning all automation composition details
635       operationId: getCompositionDefinition
636       parameters:
637         - name : compositionId
638           in: path
639           description: The UUID of the automation composition definition to get
640           required: true
641           schema:
642             type: string
643             format: uuid
644         - name: X-onap-RequestId
645           in: header
646           description: RequestID for http transaction
647           schema:
648             type: string
649             format: uuid
650       responses:
651         200:
652           description:
653             Serialised instance of
654             [AutomationCompositionDefinition](
655             containing the requested automation composition definition.
656           headers:
657             X-LatestVersion:
658               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
659             X-PatchVersion:
660               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
661             X-MinorVersion:
662               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
663             X-onap-RequestId:
664               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
665           content:
666             application/json:
667               schema:
668                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/AutomationCompositionDefinition'
669               example:
670                 externalValue: ''
671             application/yaml:
672               schema:
673                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/AutomationCompositionDefinition'
674               example:
675                 externalValue: ''
676         401:
677           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
678             [SimpleResponse](
679           headers:
680             X-LatestVersion:
681               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
682             X-PatchVersion:
683               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
684             X-MinorVersion:
685               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
686             X-onap-RequestId:
687               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
688           content:
689             application/json:
690               schema:
691                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
692         404:
693           description: Specified automation composition definition not found, returns an instance of
694             [SimpleResponse](
695           headers:
696             X-LatestVersion:
697               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
698             X-PatchVersion:
699               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
700             X-MinorVersion:
701               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
702             X-onap-RequestId:
703               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
704           content:
705             application/json:
706               schema:
707                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
708         500:
709           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
710             [SimpleResponse](
711           headers:
712             X-LatestVersion:
713               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
714             X-PatchVersion:
715               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
716             X-MinorVersion:
717               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
718             X-onap-RequestId:
719               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
720           content:
721             application/json:
722               schema:
723                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
724       security:
725         - basicAuth: []
726       x-interface info:
727         api-version: 1.0.0
728         last-mod-release: London
729     put:
730       tags:
731         - Automation Composition Definition
732       summary: Primes or deprimes an automation composition definition
733       description: Primes or deprimes an automation composition definition by sending the AC Element Types to participants and
734         getting participants to take responsibility for AC Element Types in this AC Type.
735       operationId: compositionDefinitionPriming
736       parameters:
737         - name : compositionId
738           in: path
739           description: The UUID of the automation composition definition to update
740           required: true
741           schema:
742             type: string
743             format: uuid
744         - name: X-onap-RequestId
745           in: header
746           description: RequestID for http transaction
747           schema:
748             type: string
749             format: uuid
750       requestBody:
751         description: Serialised instance of
752           [AcTypeStateUpdate](
753           which specifies the requested state change on the automation concept instance
754         content:
755           application/json:
756             schema:
757               $ref: '#/components/schemas/AcTypeStateUpdate'
758             example:
759               externalValue: ''
760           application/yaml:
761             schema:
762               $ref: '#/components/schemas/AcTypeStateUpdate'
763             example:
764               externalValue: ''
765       responses:
766         202:
767           description: Accepted, the request has been accepted and forwarded to participants
768           headers:
769             X-LatestVersion:
770               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
771             X-PatchVersion:
772               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
773             X-MinorVersion:
774               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
775             X-onap-RequestId:
776               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
777         400:
778           description: Bad Request, returns an instance of
779             [SimpleResponse](
780           headers:
781             X-LatestVersion:
782               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
783             X-PatchVersion:
784               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
785             X-MinorVersion:
786               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
787             X-onap-RequestId:
788               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
789           content:
790             application/json:
791               schema:
792                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
793         401:
794           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
795             [SimpleResponse](
796           headers:
797             X-LatestVersion:
798               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
799             X-PatchVersion:
800               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
801             X-MinorVersion:
802               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
803             X-onap-RequestId:
804               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
805           content:
806             application/json:
807               schema:
808                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
809         404:
810           description: Specified automation composition definition not found, returns an instance of
811             [SimpleResponse](
812           headers:
813             X-LatestVersion:
814               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
815             X-PatchVersion:
816               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
817             X-MinorVersion:
818               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
819             X-onap-RequestId:
820               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
821           content:
822             application/json:
823               schema:
824                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
825         500:
826           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
827             [SimpleResponse](
828           headers:
829             X-LatestVersion:
830               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
831             X-PatchVersion:
832               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
833             X-MinorVersion:
834               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
835             X-onap-RequestId:
836               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
837           content:
838             application/json:
839               schema:
840                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
841       security:
842         - basicAuth: []
843       x-interface info:
844         api-version: 1.0.0
845         last-mod-release: London
846       x-codegen-request-body-name: body
847     delete:
848       tags:
849         - Automation Composition Definition
850       summary: Delete a commissioned automation composition definition
851       description: Deletes a commissioned automation composition definition,returning the UUID of the automation composition definition deleted by this request
852       operationId: deleteCompositionDefinition
853       parameters:
854         - name : compositionId
855           in: path
856           description: The UUID of the automation composition definition to delete
857           required: true
858           schema:
859             type: string
860             format: uuid
861         - name: X-onap-RequestId
862           in: header
863           description: RequestID for http transaction
864           schema:
865             type: string
866             format: uuid
867       responses:
868         200:
869           description: Serialised instance of
870             [CommissioningResponse](
871             containing the UUID of the automation composition deleted by this request
872           headers:
873             X-LatestVersion:
874               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
875             X-PatchVersion:
876               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
877             X-MinorVersion:
878               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
879             X-onap-RequestId:
880               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
881           content:
882             application/json:
883               schema:
884                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/CommissioningResponse'
885               example:
886                 externalValue: ''
887             application/yaml:
888               schema:
889                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/CommissioningResponse'
890               example:
891                 externalValue: ''
892         401:
893           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
894             [SimpleResponse](
895           headers:
896             X-LatestVersion:
897               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
898             X-PatchVersion:
899               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
900             X-MinorVersion:
901               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
902             X-onap-RequestId:
903               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
904           content:
905             application/json:
906               schema:
907                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
908         404:
909           description: Specified automation composition definition not found, returns an instance of
910             [SimpleResponse](
911           headers:
912             X-LatestVersion:
913               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
914             X-PatchVersion:
915               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
916             X-MinorVersion:
917               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
918             X-onap-RequestId:
919               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
920           content:
921             application/json:
922               schema:
923                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
924         400:
925           description: Bad Request, returns an instance of
926             [SimpleResponse](
927           headers:
928             X-LatestVersion:
929               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
930             X-PatchVersion:
931               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
932             X-MinorVersion:
933               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
934             X-onap-RequestId:
935               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
936           content:
937             application/json:
938               schema:
939                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
940         500:
941           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
942             [SimpleResponse](
943           headers:
944             X-LatestVersion:
945               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
946             X-PatchVersion:
947               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
948             X-MinorVersion:
949               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
950             X-onap-RequestId:
951               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
952           content:
953             application/json:
954               schema:
955                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
956       security:
957         - basicAuth: []
958       x-interface info:
959         api-version: 1.0.0
960         last-mod-release: London
961   /compositions/{compositionId}/instances:
962     get:
963       tags:
964         - Automation Composition Instance
965       summary: Query details of the requested automation composition instances
966       description: Query details of the requested automation composition instances for the given automation composition definition ID, returning
967         details of all its automation composition instances
968       operationId: queryCompositionInstances
969       parameters:
970         - name : compositionId
971           in: path
972           description: The UUID of the automation composition definition for which to return instances
973           required: true
974           schema:
975             type: string
976             format: uuid
977         - name: name
978           in: query
979           description: Automation composition instance name. Regular expressions are supported for filtering. If
980             this parameter is not specified, all automation composition instances for the specified definition are returned.
981           schema:
982             type: string
983         - name: version
984           in: query
985           description: Automation composition instance version. Regular expressions are supported for filtering. If this
986             parameter is not specified, all automation composition instances for the specified definition that match the "name" filter are are returned.
987           schema:
988             type: string
989         - name: X-onap-RequestId
990           in: header
991           description: RequestID for http transaction
992           schema:
993             type: string
994             format: uuid
995       responses:
996         200:
997           description: Serialised instance of
998             [AutomationCompositions](
999             containing a list of automation composition instances found
1000           headers:
1001             X-LatestVersion:
1002               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1003             X-PatchVersion:
1004               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1005             X-MinorVersion:
1006               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1007             X-onap-RequestId:
1008               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1009           content:
1010             application/json:
1011               schema:
1012                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/AutomationCompositions'
1013               example:
1014                 externalValue: ''
1015             application/yaml:
1016               schema:
1017                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/AutomationCompositions'
1018               example:
1019                 externalValue: ''
1020         401:
1021           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
1022             [SimpleResponse](
1023           headers:
1024             X-LatestVersion:
1025               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1026             X-PatchVersion:
1027               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1028             X-MinorVersion:
1029               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1030             X-onap-RequestId:
1031               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1032           content:
1033             application/json:
1034               schema:
1035                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1036         404:
1037           description: The specified automation composition definition was not found, returns an instance of
1038             [SimpleResponse](
1039           headers:
1040             X-LatestVersion:
1041               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1042             X-PatchVersion:
1043               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1044             X-MinorVersion:
1045               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1046             X-onap-RequestId:
1047               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1048           content:
1049             application/json:
1050               schema:
1051                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1052         500:
1053           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
1054             [SimpleResponse](
1055           headers:
1056             X-LatestVersion:
1057               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1058             X-PatchVersion:
1059               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1060             X-MinorVersion:
1061               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1062             X-onap-RequestId:
1063               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1064           content:
1065             application/json:
1066               schema:
1067                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1068       security:
1069         - basicAuth: []
1070       x-interface info:
1071         api-version: 1.0.0
1072         last-mod-release: London
1073     post:
1074       tags:
1075         - Automation Composition Instance
1076       summary: Create, Update or Migrate an automation composition instance
1077       description: Create, Update or Migrate an automation composition instance that uses the specified automation composition definition. The ID of the created
1078         automation composition instance is returned. In the case of an update, the instanceId should be included in the request body.
1079         In the case of a migrate, the instanceId and the compositionTargetId should be included in the request body.
1080       operationId: createCompositionInstance
1081       parameters:
1082         - name : compositionId
1083           in: path
1084           description: The UUID of the automation composition definition on which to create/update instance
1085           required: true
1086           schema:
1087             type: string
1088             format: uuid
1089         - name: X-onap-RequestId
1090           in: header
1091           description: RequestID for http transaction
1092           schema:
1093             type: string
1094             format: uuid
1095       requestBody:
1096         description: Serialised instance of
1097           [AutomationComposition](
1098           containing a automation composition instance to create/update
1099         content:
1100           application/json:
1101             schema:
1102               $ref: '#/components/schemas/AutomationComposition'
1103             examples:
1104               createValue:
1105                 summary: create
1106                 externalValue: ''
1107               updateValue:
1108                 summary: update
1109                 externalValue: ''
1110           application/yaml:
1111             schema:
1112               $ref: '#/components/schemas/AutomationComposition'
1113             examples:
1114               createValue:
1115                 summary: create
1116                 externalValue: ''
1117               updateValue:
1118                 summary: update
1119                 externalValue: ''
1120         required: true
1121       responses:
1122         201:
1123           description: Serialised instance of
1124             [InstantiationResponse](
1125             containing the UUID of the created/updated automation composition instance
1126           headers:
1127             X-LatestVersion:
1128               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1129             X-PatchVersion:
1130               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1131             X-MinorVersion:
1132               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1133             X-onap-RequestId:
1134               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1135           content:
1136             application/json:
1137               schema:
1138                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/InstantiationResponse'
1139               example:
1140                 externalValue: ''
1141             application/yaml:
1142               schema:
1143                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/InstantiationResponse'
1144               example:
1145                 externalValue: ''
1146         401:
1147           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
1148             [SimpleResponse](
1149           headers:
1150             X-LatestVersion:
1151               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1152             X-PatchVersion:
1153               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1154             X-MinorVersion:
1155               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1156             X-onap-RequestId:
1157               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1158           content:
1159             application/json:
1160               schema:
1161                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1162         404:
1163           description: The specified automation composition definition was not found, returns an instance of
1164             [SimpleResponse](
1165           headers:
1166             X-LatestVersion:
1167               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1168             X-PatchVersion:
1169               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1170             X-MinorVersion:
1171               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1172             X-onap-RequestId:
1173               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1174           content:
1175             application/json:
1176               schema:
1177                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1178         400:
1179           description: Bad Request, returns an instance of
1180             [SimpleResponse](
1181           headers:
1182             X-LatestVersion:
1183               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1184             X-PatchVersion:
1185               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1186             X-MinorVersion:
1187               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1188             X-onap-RequestId:
1189               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1190           content:
1191             application/json:
1192               schema:
1193                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1194         500:
1195           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
1196             [SimpleResponse](
1197           headers:
1198             X-LatestVersion:
1199               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1200             X-PatchVersion:
1201               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1202             X-MinorVersion:
1203               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1204             X-onap-RequestId:
1205               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1206           content:
1207             application/json:
1208               schema:
1209                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1210       security:
1211         - basicAuth: []
1212       x-interface info:
1213         api-version: 1.0.0
1214         last-mod-release: London
1215       x-codegen-request-body-name: body
1216   /compositions/{compositionId}/instances/{instanceId}:
1217     get:
1218       tags:
1219         - Automation Composition Instance
1220       summary: Get automation composition instance details.
1221       description: Get details of the requested automation composition instance.
1222       operationId: getCompositionInstance
1223       parameters:
1224         - name : compositionId
1225           in: path
1226           description: The UUID of the automation composition definition on which to get an instance
1227           required: true
1228           schema:
1229             type: string
1230             format: uuid
1231         - name : instanceId
1232           in: path
1233           description: The UUID of the automation composition instance to get
1234           required: true
1235           schema:
1236             type: string
1237             format: uuid
1238         - name: X-onap-RequestId
1239           in: header
1240           description: RequestID for http transaction
1241           schema:
1242             type: string
1243             format: uuid
1244       responses:
1245         200:
1246           description: Serialised instance of
1247             [AutomationComposition](
1248             containing the automation composition instance
1249           headers:
1250             X-LatestVersion:
1251               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1252             X-PatchVersion:
1253               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1254             X-MinorVersion:
1255               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1256             X-onap-RequestId:
1257               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1258           content:
1259             application/json:
1260               schema:
1261                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/AutomationComposition'
1262               example:
1263                 externalValue: ''
1264             application/yaml:
1265               schema:
1266                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/AutomationComposition'
1267               example:
1268                 externalValue: ''
1269         401:
1270           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
1271             [SimpleResponse](
1272           headers:
1273             X-LatestVersion:
1274               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1275             X-PatchVersion:
1276               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1277             X-MinorVersion:
1278               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1279             X-onap-RequestId:
1280               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1281           content:
1282             application/json:
1283               schema:
1284                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1285         404:
1286           description: The automation composition instance was not found, returns an instance of
1287             [SimpleResponse](
1288           headers:
1289             X-LatestVersion:
1290               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1291             X-PatchVersion:
1292               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1293             X-MinorVersion:
1294               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1295             X-onap-RequestId:
1296               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1297           content:
1298             application/json:
1299               schema:
1300                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1301         500:
1302           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
1303             [SimpleResponse](
1304           headers:
1305             X-LatestVersion:
1306               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1307             X-PatchVersion:
1308               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1309             X-MinorVersion:
1310               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1311             X-onap-RequestId:
1312               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1313           content:
1314             application/json:
1315               schema:
1316                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1317       security:
1318         - basicAuth: []
1319       x-interface info:
1320         api-version: 1.0.0
1321         last-mod-release: London
1322     put:
1323       tags:
1324         - Automation Composition Instance
1325       summary: Manage deployment and locking of an automation composition instance
1326       description: This request manages deployment and locking of an automation composition instance. This endpoint can
1327         order deployment and undeployment of an AC Instance to participants and order unlocking and locking of AC instances
1328         on participants
1329       operationId: compositionInstanceState
1330       parameters:
1331         - name : compositionId
1332           in: path
1333           description: The UUID of the automation composition definition on which to update an instance
1334           required: true
1335           schema:
1336             type: string
1337             format: uuid
1338         - name : instanceId
1339           in: path
1340           description: The UUID of the automation composition instance to update
1341           required: true
1342           schema:
1343             type: string
1344             format: uuid
1345         - name: X-onap-RequestId
1346           in: header
1347           description: RequestID for http transaction
1348           schema:
1349             type: string
1350             format: uuid
1351       requestBody:
1352         description: Serialised instance of
1353           [AcInstanceStateUpdate](
1354           which specifies the requested state change on the automation concept instance
1355         content:
1356           application/json:
1357             schema:
1358               $ref: '#/components/schemas/AcInstanceStateUpdate'
1359             example:
1360               externalValue: ''
1361           application/yaml:
1362             schema:
1363               $ref: '#/components/schemas/AcInstanceStateUpdate'
1364             example:
1365               externalValue: ''
1366         required: true
1367       responses:
1368         202:
1369           description: Accepted, the request has been accepted and forwarded to participants
1370           headers:
1371             X-LatestVersion:
1372               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1373             X-PatchVersion:
1374               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1375             X-MinorVersion:
1376               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1377             X-onap-RequestId:
1378               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1379         400:
1380           description: Bad Request, returns an instance of
1381             [SimpleResponse](
1382           headers:
1383             X-LatestVersion:
1384               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1385             X-PatchVersion:
1386               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1387             X-MinorVersion:
1388               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1389             X-onap-RequestId:
1390               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1391           content:
1392             application/json:
1393               schema:
1394                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1395         401:
1396           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
1397             [SimpleResponse](
1398           headers:
1399             X-LatestVersion:
1400               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1401             X-PatchVersion:
1402               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1403             X-MinorVersion:
1404               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1405             X-onap-RequestId:
1406               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1407           content:
1408             application/json:
1409               schema:
1410                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1411         404:
1412           description: The specified automation composition instance was not found, returns an instance of
1413             [SimpleResponse](
1414           headers:
1415             X-LatestVersion:
1416               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1417             X-PatchVersion:
1418               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1419             X-MinorVersion:
1420               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1421             X-onap-RequestId:
1422               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1423           content:
1424             application/json:
1425               schema:
1426                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1427         500:
1428           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
1429             [SimpleResponse](
1430           headers:
1431             X-LatestVersion:
1432               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1433             X-PatchVersion:
1434               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1435             X-MinorVersion:
1436               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1437             X-onap-RequestId:
1438               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1439           content:
1440             application/json:
1441               schema:
1442                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1443       security:
1444         - basicAuth: []
1445       x-interface info:
1446         api-version: 1.0.0
1447         last-mod-release: London
1448       x-codegen-request-body-name: body
1449     delete:
1450       tags:
1451         - Automation Composition Instance
1452       summary: Delete an automation composition instance
1453       description: Order a deletion of an automation composition instance, returning the UUID of the automation composition instance to be deleted
1454       operationId: deleteCompositionInstance
1455       parameters:
1456         - name : compositionId
1457           in: path
1458           description: The UUID of the automation composition definition on which to delete an instance
1459           required: true
1460           schema:
1461             type: string
1462             format: uuid
1463         - name : instanceId
1464           in: path
1465           description: The UUID of the automation composition instance to delete
1466           required: true
1467           schema:
1468             type: string
1469             format: uuid
1470         - name: X-onap-RequestId
1471           in: header
1472           description: RequestID for http transaction
1473           schema:
1474             type: string
1475             format: uuid
1476       responses:
1477         202:
1478           description: Serialised instance of
1479             [InstantiationResponse](
1480             containing the UUID of the deleted automation composition instance
1481           headers:
1482             X-LatestVersion:
1483               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1484             X-PatchVersion:
1485               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1486             X-MinorVersion:
1487               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1488             X-onap-RequestId:
1489               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1490           content:
1491             application/json:
1492               schema:
1493                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/InstantiationResponse'
1494               example:
1495                 externalValue: ''
1496             application/yaml:
1497               schema:
1498                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/InstantiationResponse'
1499               example:
1500                 externalValue: ''
1501         401:
1502           description: Authentication Error, returns an instance of
1503             [SimpleResponse](
1504           headers:
1505             X-LatestVersion:
1506               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1507             X-PatchVersion:
1508               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1509             X-MinorVersion:
1510               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1511             X-onap-RequestId:
1512               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1513           content:
1514             application/json:
1515               schema:
1516                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1517         404:
1518           description: The specified automation composition instance was not found, returns an instance of
1519             [SimpleResponse](
1520           headers:
1521             X-LatestVersion:
1522               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1523             X-PatchVersion:
1524               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1525             X-MinorVersion:
1526               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1527             X-onap-RequestId:
1528               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1529           content:
1530             application/json:
1531               schema:
1532                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1533         400:
1534           description: Bad Request, returns an instance of
1535             [SimpleResponse](
1536           headers:
1537             X-LatestVersion:
1538               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1539             X-PatchVersion:
1540               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1541             X-MinorVersion:
1542               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1543             X-onap-RequestId:
1544               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1545           content:
1546             application/json:
1547               schema:
1548                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1549         500:
1550           description: Internal Server Error, returns an instance of
1551             [SimpleResponse](
1552           headers:
1553             X-LatestVersion:
1554               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-LatestVersion'
1555             X-PatchVersion:
1556               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-PatchVersion'
1557             X-MinorVersion:
1558               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-MinorVersion'
1559             X-onap-RequestId:
1560               $ref: '#/components/headers/X-onap-RequestId'
1561           content:
1562             application/json:
1563               schema:
1564                 $ref: '#/components/schemas/SimpleResponse'
1565       security:
1566         - basicAuth: []
1567       x-interface info:
1568         api-version: 1.0.0
1569         last-mod-release: London
1571 components:
1572   securitySchemes:
1573     basicAuth:
1574       type: http
1575       scheme: basic
1576   schemas:
1577     ParticipantInformation:
1578       title: ParticipantInformation
1579       type: object
1580     ToscaServiceTemplates:
1581       title: ToscaServiceTemplates
1582       type: object
1583     ToscaServiceTemplate:
1584       title: ToscaServiceTemplate
1585       type: object
1586     AutomationCompositionDefinition:
1587       title: AutomationCompositionDefinition
1588       type: object
1589     AutomationComposition:
1590       title: AutomationComposition
1591       type: object
1592     AutomationCompositions:
1593       title: AutomationCompositions
1594       type: object
1595     SimpleResponse:
1596       title: SimpleResponse
1597       type: object
1598     CommissioningResponse:
1599       title: CommissioningResponse
1600       type: object
1601     AcTypeStateUpdate:
1602       title: AcTypeStateUpdate
1603       type: object
1604     AcInstanceStateUpdate:
1605       title: AcInstanceStateUpdate
1606       type: object
1607     InstantiationResponse:
1608       title: InstantiationResponse
1609       type: object
1610   headers:
1611     X-LatestVersion:
1612       schema:
1613         type: string
1614     X-PatchVersion:
1615       schema:
1616         type: string
1617     X-MinorVersion:
1618       schema:
1619         type: string
1620     X-onap-RequestId:
1621       schema:
1622         type: string
1623         format: uuid