Merge "Update A1 Mediator version to 2.1.9"
[ric-plt/ric-dep.git] / helm / infrastructure / subcharts / prometheus / templates / server-clusterrole.yaml
1 {{- if and .Values.server.enabled .Values.rbac.create -}}
2 apiVersion:
3 kind: ClusterRole
4 metadata:
5   labels:
6     {{- include "prometheus.server.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
7   name: {{ template "prometheus.server.fullname" . }}
8 rules:
9 {{- if .Values.podSecurityPolicy.enabled }}
10   - apiGroups:
11     - extensions
12     resources:
13     - podsecuritypolicies
14     verbs:
15     - use
16     resourceNames:
17     - {{ template "prometheus.server.fullname" . }}
18 {{- end }}
19   - apiGroups:
20       - ""
21     resources:
22       - nodes
23       - nodes/proxy
24       - nodes/metrics
25       - services
26       - endpoints
27       - pods
28       - ingresses
29       - configmaps
30     verbs:
31       - get
32       - list
33       - watch
34   - apiGroups:
35       - "extensions"
36     resources:
37       - ingresses/status
38       - ingresses
39     verbs:
40       - get
41       - list
42       - watch
43   - nonResourceURLs:
44       - "/metrics"
45     verbs:
46       - get
47 {{- end }}