readthedocs support and correcting minor typos
[ric-plt/asn1-documents.git] / e2ap / e2ap-v100.asn1
1 \r
2 -- Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.\r
3 -- Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia.\r
4 --\r
5 -- Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International \r
6 -- Public License (the "License"); you may not use this file except \r
7 -- in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
8 --\r
9 --\r
10 --\r
11 -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation\r
12 -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\r
13 -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r
14 -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r
15 -- limitations under the License.\r
16 \r
17 \r
18 \r
19 -- ASN1START\r
20 -- **************************************************************\r
21 --\r
22 -- Elementary Procedure definitions\r
23 -- Derived from 3GPP X2AP 36.423v15.4.0 section 9.3.4 x2ap-PDU-Descriptions\r
24 -- **************************************************************\r
25 \r
26 E2AP-PDU-Descriptions {\r
27 iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 28458 exp(99) mobileDomain (0) ric (21) modules (3) e2ap (2) version1 (1) e2ap-PDU-Descriptions (0) }\r
28 \r
30 \r
31 BEGIN\r
32 \r
33 -- **************************************************************\r
34 --\r
35 -- IE parameter types from other modules.\r
36 --\r
37 -- **************************************************************\r
38 \r
40         Criticality,\r
41         ProcedureCode\r
42 FROM X2AP-CommonDataTypes\r
43 \r
44         ENBConfigurationUpdate,\r
45         ENBConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge,\r
46         ENBConfigurationUpdateFailure,\r
47         ErrorIndication,\r
48         LoadInformation,\r
49         ResetRequest,\r
50         ResetResponse,\r
51         ResourceStatusFailure,\r
52         ResourceStatusRequest,\r
53         ResourceStatusResponse,\r
54         ResourceStatusUpdate, \r
55         X2SetupFailure,\r
56         X2SetupRequest,\r
57         X2SetupResponse,\r
58         ENDCX2SetupRequest,\r
59         ENDCX2SetupResponse,\r
60         ENDCX2SetupFailure,\r
61         ENDCConfigurationUpdate,\r
62         ENDCConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge,\r
63         ENDCConfigurationUpdateFailure,\r
64         GNBStatusIndication\r
65 FROM X2AP-PDU-Contents\r
66 \r
67         id-eNBConfigurationUpdate,\r
68         id-errorIndication,\r
69         id-loadIndication,\r
70         id-reset,\r
71         id-resourceStatusReporting,\r
72         id-resourceStatusReportingInitiation, \r
73         id-x2Setup,\r
74         id-endcX2Setup,\r
75         id-endcConfigurationUpdate,\r
76         id-gNBStatusIndication\r
77 FROM X2AP-Constants\r
78 \r
79     RICsubscriptionRequest,\r
80     RICsubscriptionResponse,\r
81     RICsubscriptionFailure,\r
82     RICsubscriptionDeleteRequest,\r
83     RICsubscriptionDeleteResponse,\r
84     RICsubscriptionDeleteFailure,\r
85     RICindication,\r
86     RICcontrolRequest,\r
87     RICcontrolAcknowledge,\r
88     RICcontrolFailure,\r
89     RICserviceUpdate,\r
90     RICserviceUpdateAcknowledge,\r
91     RICserviceUpdateFailure,\r
92     RICserviceQuery\r
93 FROM E2AP-PDU-Contents\r
94 \r
95     id-RICsubscriptionRequest,\r
96     id-RICsubscriptionResponse,\r
97     id-RICsubscriptionFailure,\r
98     id-RICsubscriptionDeleteRequest,\r
99     id-RICsubscriptionDeleteResponse,\r
100     id-RICsubscriptionDeleteFailure,\r
101     id-RICindication,\r
102     id-RICcontrolRequest,\r
103     id-RICcontrolAcknowledge,\r
104     id-RICcontrolFailure,\r
105     id-RICserviceUpdate,\r
106     id-RICserviceUpdateAcknowledge,\r
107     id-RICserviceUpdateFailure,\r
108     id-RICserviceQuery\r
109 FROM E2AP-Constants;\r
110 \r
111 -- **************************************************************\r
112 --\r
113 -- Interface Elementary Procedure Class\r
114 --\r
115 -- **************************************************************\r
116 \r
118         &InitiatingMessage                              ,\r
119         &SuccessfulOutcome                                      OPTIONAL,\r
120         &UnsuccessfulOutcome                                OPTIONAL,\r
121         &procedureCode                  ProcedureCode   UNIQUE,\r
122         &criticality                    Criticality     DEFAULT ignore\r
123 }\r
125         INITIATING MESSAGE              &InitiatingMessage\r
126         [SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME             &SuccessfulOutcome]\r
127         [UNSUCCESSFUL OUTCOME   &UnsuccessfulOutcome]\r
128         PROCEDURE CODE                  &procedureCode\r
129         [CRITICALITY                    &criticality]\r
130 }\r
131 \r
132 -- **************************************************************\r
133 --\r
134 -- Interface PDU Definition\r
135 --\r
136 -- **************************************************************\r
137 \r
138 E2AP-PDU ::= CHOICE {\r
139         initiatingMessage       InitiatingMessage,\r
140         successfulOutcome       SuccessfulOutcome,\r
141         unsuccessfulOutcome     UnsuccessfulOutcome,\r
142         ...\r
143 }\r
144 \r
145 InitiatingMessage ::= SEQUENCE {\r
146         procedureCode           E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&procedureCode({E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}),\r
147         criticality                     E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&criticality({E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode}),\r
148         value                           E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&InitiatingMessage({E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode})\r
149 }\r
150 \r
151 SuccessfulOutcome ::= SEQUENCE {\r
152         procedureCode           E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&procedureCode({E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}),\r
153         criticality                     E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&criticality({E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode}),\r
154         value                           E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&SuccessfulOutcome({E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode})\r
155 }\r
156 \r
157 UnsuccessfulOutcome ::= SEQUENCE {\r
158         procedureCode           E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&procedureCode({E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}),\r
159         criticality                     E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&criticality({E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode}),\r
160         value                           E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE.&UnsuccessfulOutcome({E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES}{@procedureCode})\r
161 }\r
162 \r
163 -- **************************************************************\r
164 --\r
165 -- Interface Elementary Procedure List\r
166 --\r
167 -- **************************************************************\r
168 \r
170     E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURES-CLASS-1                  |\r
172     ...\r
173 }\r
174 \r
176 -- Defined in e2ap-PDU-Contents\r
177     ricSubscription                                                                             |\r
178     ricSubscriptionDelete                               |\r
179     ricServiceUpdate                                                                    |\r
180     ricControl                                          |\r
181 \r
182 -- Defined in x2ap-PDU-Contents\r
183     x2Setup                                                                                             |\r
184     endcX2Setup                                                                                 |\r
185     resourceStatusReportingInitiation                                   |\r
186     eNBConfigurationUpdate                                                              |\r
187     endcConfigurationUpdate                                                             |\r
188     reset,\r
189     ...\r
190 }\r
191 \r
193 -- Defined in e2ap-PDU-Contents\r
194     ricIndication                                                                       |\r
195     ricServiceQuery                                                     |\r
196 \r
197 -- Defined in x2ap-PDU-Contents \r
198     loadIndication                                                                              |\r
199     gNBStatusIndication                                         |\r
200     resourceStatusReporting                                                             |\r
201     errorIndication,    \r
202         ...\r
203 }\r
204 \r
205 -- **************************************************************\r
206 --\r
207 -- Interface Elementary Procedures\r
208 --\r
209 -- **************************************************************\r
210 \r
211 ricSubscription E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
212         INITIATING MESSAGE              RICsubscriptionRequest\r
213         SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME              RICsubscriptionResponse\r
214         UNSUCCESSFUL OUTCOME    RICsubscriptionFailure\r
215         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-ricSubscription\r
216         CRITICALITY                             reject\r
217 }\r
218 \r
219 ricSubscriptionDelete E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
220         INITIATING MESSAGE              RICsubscriptionDeleteRequest\r
221         SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME              RICsubscriptionDeleteResponse\r
222         UNSUCCESSFUL OUTCOME    RICsubscriptionDeleteFailure\r
223         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-ricSubscriptionDelete\r
224         CRITICALITY                             reject\r
225 }\r
226 \r
227 ricServiceUpdate E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
228         INITIATING MESSAGE              RICserviceUpdate\r
229         SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME              RICserviceUpdateAcknowledge\r
230         UNSUCCESSFUL OUTCOME    RICserviceUpdateFailure\r
231         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-ricServiceUpdate\r
232         CRITICALITY                             reject\r
233 }\r
234 \r
235 ricControl E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
236         INITIATING MESSAGE              RICcontrolRequest\r
237         SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME              RICcontrolAcknowledge\r
238         UNSUCCESSFUL OUTCOME    RICcontrolFailure\r
239         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-ricControl\r
240         CRITICALITY                             reject\r
241 }\r
242 \r
244         INITIATING MESSAGE              X2SetupRequest\r
245         SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME              X2SetupResponse\r
246         UNSUCCESSFUL OUTCOME    X2SetupFailure\r
247         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-x2Setup\r
248         CRITICALITY                             reject\r
249 }\r
250 \r
251 endcX2Setup E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
252         INITIATING MESSAGE              ENDCX2SetupRequest\r
253         SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME              ENDCX2SetupResponse\r
254         UNSUCCESSFUL OUTCOME    ENDCX2SetupFailure\r
255         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-endcX2Setup\r
256         CRITICALITY                             reject\r
257 }\r
258 \r
259 resourceStatusReportingInitiation       E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
260         INITIATING MESSAGE              ResourceStatusRequest\r
261         SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME              ResourceStatusResponse\r
262         UNSUCCESSFUL OUTCOME    ResourceStatusFailure\r
263         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-resourceStatusReportingInitiation\r
264         CRITICALITY                             reject\r
265 }\r
266 \r
267 -- en-dc gNB version of resourceStatusReportingInitiation not defined in 3GPP X2AP rel15 (to be added when available)\r
268 \r
269 eNBConfigurationUpdate          E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
270         INITIATING MESSAGE              ENBConfigurationUpdate\r
271         SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME              ENBConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge\r
272         UNSUCCESSFUL OUTCOME    ENBConfigurationUpdateFailure\r
273         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-eNBConfigurationUpdate\r
274         CRITICALITY                             reject\r
275 }\r
276 \r
277 endcConfigurationUpdate         E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
278         INITIATING MESSAGE              ENDCConfigurationUpdate\r
279         SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME              ENDCConfigurationUpdateAcknowledge\r
280         UNSUCCESSFUL OUTCOME    ENDCConfigurationUpdateFailure\r
281         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-endcConfigurationUpdate\r
282         CRITICALITY                             reject\r
283 }\r
284 \r
285 reset   E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
286         INITIATING MESSAGE              ResetRequest\r
287         SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME              ResetResponse\r
288         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-reset\r
289         CRITICALITY                             reject\r
290 }\r
291 \r
292 \r
293 ricIndication E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
294         INITIATING MESSAGE              RICindication\r
295         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-ricIndication\r
296         CRITICALITY                             ignore\r
297 }\r
298 \r
299 ricServiceQuery E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
300         INITIATING MESSAGE              RICserviceQuery\r
301         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-ricServiceQuery\r
302         CRITICALITY                             ignore\r
303 }\r
304 \r
305 \r
306 loadIndication E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
307         INITIATING MESSAGE              LoadInformation\r
308         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-loadIndication\r
309         CRITICALITY                             ignore\r
310 }\r
311 \r
312 gNBStatusIndication             E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
313         INITIATING MESSAGE              GNBStatusIndication\r
314         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-gNBStatusIndication\r
315         CRITICALITY                             ignore\r
316 }\r
317 \r
318 resourceStatusReporting E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
319         INITIATING MESSAGE              ResourceStatusUpdate\r
320         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-resourceStatusReporting\r
321         CRITICALITY                             ignore\r
322 }\r
323 -- en-dc gNB version of resourceStatusReporting not defined in 3GPP X2AP rel15 (to be added when available)\r
324 \r
325 errorIndication E2AP-ELEMENTARY-PROCEDURE ::= {\r
326         INITIATING MESSAGE              ErrorIndication\r
327         PROCEDURE CODE                  id-errorIndication\r
328         CRITICALITY                             ignore\r
329 }\r
330 \r
331 END\r
332 -- ASN1STOP\r
333 \r
334 \r
335 -- ASN1START\r
336 -- **************************************************************\r
337 --\r
338 -- PDU definitions for E2AP\r
339 -- Derived from 3GPP X2AP 36.423v15.4.0 section 9.3.4 x2ap-PDU-Contents\r
340 -- \r
341 -- **************************************************************\r
342 \r
343 E2AP-PDU-Contents {\r
344 iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 28458 exp(99) mobileDomain (0) ric (21) modules (3) e2ap (2) version1 (1) e2ap-PDU-Contents (1) }\r
345 \r
347 \r
348 BEGIN\r
349 \r
350 -- **************************************************************\r
351 --\r
352 -- IE parameter types from other modules.\r
353 --\r
354 -- **************************************************************\r
355 \r
357     \r
358     RANfunctionID,\r
359     RANfunctionDefinition,\r
360     RICactionDefinition,\r
361     RICactionID,\r
362     RICactionType,\r
363     RICcallProcessID,\r
364     RICcause,\r
365     RICcontrolAckRequest,\r
366     RICcontrolMessage,\r
367     RICcontrolStatus,\r
368     RICeventTriggerDefinition,\r
369     RICindicationType,\r
370     RICindicationMessage,\r
371     RICrequestID,\r
372     RICsubsequentAction\r
373 FROM E2AP-IEs\r
374 \r
375         TimeToWait,\r
376     CriticalityDiagnostics\r
377 FROM X2AP-IEs\r
378 \r
379         id-TimeToWait,\r
380     id-CriticalityDiagnostics\r
381 FROM X2AP-Constants\r
382 \r
383     ProtocolIE-Container{},\r
384     ProtocolIE-ContainerList{},\r
385     ProtocolIE-Single-Container{},\r
386     X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES,\r
388 FROM X2AP-Containers\r
389 \r
390     id-RANfunctionID,\r
391     id-RANfunctionsAdded,\r
392     id-RANfunctionsModified,\r
393     id-RANfunctionsDeleted,\r
394     id-RANfunction-Item,\r
395     id-RANfunctionsAccepted,\r
396     id-RANfunctionsRejected,\r
397     id-RANfunctionIEcause-Item,\r
398     id-RICrequestID,\r
399     id-RICsubscription,\r
400     id-RICaction-ToBeSetup-Item,\r
401     id-RICactions-Admitted,\r
402     id-RICactions-NotAdmitted,\r
403     id-RICaction-Admitted-Item,\r
404     id-RICaction-NotAdmitted-Item,\r
405     id-RICcause,\r
406     id-RICactionID,\r
407     id-RICindicationSN,\r
408     id-RICindicationHeader,\r
409     id-RICindicationPayload,\r
410     id-RICcallProcessID,\r
411     id-RICcontrolMessage,\r
412     id-RICcontrolAckRequest,\r
413     id-RICcontrolStatus,\r
414     id-RICserviceQuery,\r
415 \r
416     maxofRANfunctionID,\r
417     maxofRICactionID\r
418 FROM E2AP-Constants;\r
419 \r
420 -- **************************************************************\r
421 --\r
423 --\r
424 -- **************************************************************\r
425 RICsubscriptionRequest ::= SEQUENCE {\r
426         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICsubscriptionRequest-IEs}},\r
427         ...\r
428 }\r
429 \r
430 RICsubscriptionRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
431         { ID id-RICrequestID                            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICrequestID                                       PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
432         { ID id-RANfunctionID                           CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionID                                      PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
433         { ID id-RICsubscription                         CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICsubscription                            PRESENCE mandatory},\r
434         ...\r
435 }\r
436 \r
437 \r
438 RICsubscription ::= SEQUENCE {\r
439         ricEventTriggerDefinition       RICeventTriggerDefinition,\r
440         ricAction-ToBeSetup-List        RICactions-ToBeSetup-List,\r
441         ...\r
442 }\r
443 \r
444 RICactions-ToBeSetup-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxofRICactionID)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {RICaction-ToBeSetup-ItemIEs} }\r
445 \r
446 RICaction-ToBeSetup-ItemIEs     X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
447         { ID id-RICaction-ToBeSetup-Item         CRITICALITY ignore     TYPE RICaction-ToBeSetup-Item   PRESENCE mandatory },\r
448         ...\r
449 }\r
450 \r
451 RICaction-ToBeSetup-Item ::= SEQUENCE {\r
452         ricActionID                                     RICactionID,\r
453         ricActionType                           RICactionType,\r
454         ricActionDefinition                     RICactionDefinition     OPTIONAL,\r
455         ricSubsequentAction                     RICsubsequentAction     OPTIONAL,\r
456         ...\r
457 }\r
458 \r
459 -- **************************************************************\r
460 --\r
462 --\r
463 -- **************************************************************\r
464 RICsubscriptionResponse ::= SEQUENCE {\r
465         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container{{RICsubscriptionResponse-IEs}},\r
466         ...\r
467 }\r
468 \r
469 RICsubscriptionResponse-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
470         { ID id-RICrequestID                            CRITICALITY reject              TYPE RICrequestID                               PRESENCE mandatory } |\r
471         { ID id-RANfunctionID                           CRITICALITY reject              TYPE RANfunctionID                              PRESENCE mandatory } |\r
472         { ID id-RICactions-Admitted                     CRITICALITY reject              TYPE RICaction-Admitted-List    PRESENCE mandatory } |\r
473         { ID id-RICactions-NotAdmitted          CRITICALITY reject              TYPE RICaction-NotAdmitted-List PRESENCE optional },\r
474     ...   \r
475 }\r
476 \r
477 \r
478 \r
479 RICaction-Admitted-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxofRICactionID)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container{{RICaction-Admitted-ItemIEs}}\r
480 \r
481 RICaction-Admitted-ItemIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
482         { ID id-RICaction-Admitted-Item         CRITICALITY ignore              TYPE RICaction-Admitted-Item    PRESENCE mandatory },\r
483         ...\r
484 }\r
485 \r
486 RICaction-Admitted-Item ::= SEQUENCE {\r
487         ricActionID                                     RICactionID,\r
488         ...\r
489 }\r
490 \r
491 RICaction-NotAdmitted-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..maxofRICactionID)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {RICaction-NotAdmitted-ItemIEs} }\r
492 \r
493 RICaction-NotAdmitted-ItemIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
494         { ID id-RICaction-NotAdmitted-Item      CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE RICaction-NotAdmitted-Item         PRESENCE mandatory },\r
495         ...\r
496 }\r
497 \r
498 RICaction-NotAdmitted-Item ::= SEQUENCE {\r
499         ricActionID                                     RICactionID,\r
500         ricCause                                        RICcause,\r
501         ...\r
502 }\r
503 \r
504 -- **************************************************************\r
505 --\r
507 --\r
508 -- **************************************************************\r
509 RICsubscriptionFailure ::= SEQUENCE {\r
510         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICsubscriptionFailure-IEs}},\r
511         ...\r
512 }\r
513 \r
514 RICsubscriptionFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
515         { ID id-RICrequestID                            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICrequestID                                       PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
516         { ID id-RANfunctionID                           CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionID                                      PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
517         { ID id-RICactions-NotAdmitted          CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICaction-NotAdmitted-List         PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
518     { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics              CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics                     PRESENCE optional},     \r
519     ...\r
520 }\r
521 \r
522 -- **************************************************************\r
523 --\r
525 --\r
526 -- **************************************************************\r
527 RICsubscriptionDeleteRequest ::= SEQUENCE {\r
528         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICsubscriptionDeleteRequest-IEs}},\r
529         ...\r
530 }\r
531 \r
532 RICsubscriptionDeleteRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
533         { ID id-RICrequestID                            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICrequestID                                       PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
534         { ID id-RANfunctionID                           CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionID                                      PRESENCE mandatory},    \r
535     ...\r
536 }\r
537 \r
538 -- **************************************************************\r
539 --\r
541 --\r
542 -- **************************************************************\r
543 RICsubscriptionDeleteResponse ::= SEQUENCE {\r
544         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICsubscriptionDeleteResponse-IEs}},\r
545         ...\r
546 }\r
547 \r
548 RICsubscriptionDeleteResponse-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
549         { ID id-RICrequestID                            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICrequestID                                       PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
550         { ID id-RANfunctionID                           CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionID                                      PRESENCE mandatory},    \r
551     ...\r
552 }\r
553 -- **************************************************************\r
554 --\r
556 --\r
557 -- **************************************************************\r
558 RICsubscriptionDeleteFailure ::= SEQUENCE {\r
559         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICsubscriptionDeleteFailure-IEs}},\r
560         ...\r
561 }\r
562 \r
563 RICsubscriptionDeleteFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
564         { ID id-RICrequestID                            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICrequestID                                       PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
565         { ID id-RANfunctionID                           CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionID                                      PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
566     { ID id-RICcause                                    CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE RICcause                                           PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
567     { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics              CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics                     PRESENCE optional},     \r
568     ...\r
569 }\r
570 \r
571 -- **************************************************************\r
572 --\r
574 --\r
575 -- **************************************************************\r
576 RICindication ::= SEQUENCE {\r
577         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICindication-IEs}},\r
578         ...\r
579 }\r
580 \r
581 RICindication-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
582         { ID id-RICrequestID                            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICrequestID                                       PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
583         { ID id-RANfunctionID                           CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionID                                      PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
584         { ID id-RICactionID                                     CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICactionID                                        PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
585         { ID id-RICindicationSN                         CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICindicationSN                            PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
586     { ID id-RICindicationType                   CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICindicationType                          PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
587         { ID id-RICindicationHeader                     CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICindicationHeader                        PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
588         { ID id-RICindicationMessage            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICindicationMessage           PRESENCE mandatory} |\r
589         { ID id-RICcallProcessID                        CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICcallProcessID                           PRESENCE optional},\r
590     ...\r
591 }\r
592 \r
593 -- **************************************************************\r
594 --\r
596 --\r
597 -- **************************************************************\r
598 RICcontrolRequest ::= SEQUENCE {\r
599         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICcontrolRequest-IEs}},\r
600         ...\r
601 }\r
602 \r
603 RICcontrolRequest-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
604         { ID id-RICrequestID                            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICrequestID                                       PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
605         { ID id-RANfunctionID                           CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionID                                      PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
606         { ID id-RICcallProcessID                        CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICcallProcessID                           PRESENCE optional}|\r
607         { ID id-RICcontrolHeader                        CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICcontrolHeader                           PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
608         { ID id-RICcontrolMessage                       CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICcontrolMessage                          PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
609     { ID id-RICcontrolAckRequest                CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICcontrolAckRequest               PRESENCE optional},\r
610     ...\r
611 }\r
612 -- **************************************************************\r
613 --\r
615 --\r
616 -- **************************************************************\r
617 RICcontrolAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE {\r
618         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICcontrolAcknowledge-IEs}},\r
619         ...\r
620 }\r
621 \r
622 RICcontrolAcknowledge-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
623         { ID id-RICrequestID                            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICrequestID                                       PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
624         { ID id-RANfunctionID                           CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionID                                      PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
625         { ID id-RICcallProcessID                        CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICcallProcessID                           PRESENCE optional}|\r
626         { ID id-RICcontrolStatus                        CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICcontrolStatus                           PRESENCE mandatory},\r
627     ...\r
628 }\r
629 -- **************************************************************\r
630 --\r
632 --\r
633 -- **************************************************************\r
634 RICcontrolFailure ::= SEQUENCE {\r
635         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICcontrolFailure-IEs}},\r
636         ...\r
637 }\r
638 \r
639 RICcontrolFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
640         { ID id-RICrequestID                            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICrequestID                                       PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
641         { ID id-RANfunctionID                           CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionID                                      PRESENCE mandatory}|\r
642         { ID id-RICcallProcessID                        CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RICcallProcessID                           PRESENCE optional}|\r
643         { ID id-RICcause                                    CRITICALITY ignore  TYPE RICcause                                   PRESENCE mandatory},\r
644     ...\r
645 }\r
646 \r
647 -- **************************************************************\r
648 --\r
650 --\r
651 -- **************************************************************\r
652 RICserviceUpdate ::= SEQUENCE {\r
653         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICserviceUpdate-IEs}},\r
654         ...\r
655 }\r
656 \r
657 RICserviceUpdate-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
658         { ID id-RANfunctionsAdded                       CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctions-List                  PRESENCE optional}|\r
659         { ID id-RANfunctionsModified            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctions-List                  PRESENCE optional}|\r
660     { ID id-RANfunctionsDeleted                 CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionsID-List                PRESENCE optional},\r
661         ...\r
662 }\r
663 \r
664 RANfunctions-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..maxofRANfunctionID)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {RANfunction-ItemIEs} }\r
665 \r
666 RANfunction-ItemIEs     X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
667         { ID id-RANfunction-Item                        CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE RANfunction-Item                           PRESENCE mandatory },\r
668         ...\r
669 }\r
670 \r
671 \r
672 RANfunction-Item ::= SEQUENCE {\r
673         ranFunctionID                           RANfunctionID,\r
674         ranFunctionDefinition           RANfunctionDefinition,\r
675         ...\r
676 }\r
677 \r
678 RANfunctionsID-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..maxofRANfunctionID)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container{{RANfunctionID-ItemIEs}}\r
679 \r
680 RANfunctionID-ItemIEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
681         { ID id-RANfunctionID-Item                      CRITICALITY ignore              TYPE RANfunctionID-Item                 PRESENCE mandatory },\r
682         ...\r
683 }\r
684 \r
685 \r
686 RANfunctionID-Item ::= SEQUENCE {\r
687         ranFunctionID                           RANfunctionID,\r
688         ...\r
689 }\r
690 \r
691 -- **************************************************************\r
692 --\r
694 --\r
695 -- **************************************************************\r
696 RICserviceUpdateAcknowledge ::= SEQUENCE {\r
697         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICserviceUpdateAcknowledge-IEs}},\r
698         ...\r
699 }\r
700 \r
701 RICserviceUpdateAcknowledge-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
702         { ID id-RANfunctionsAccepted            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionsID-List                        PRESENCE optional}|\r
703         { ID id-RANfunctionsRejected            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionsIDcause-List           PRESENCE optional},\r
704         ...\r
705 }\r
706 \r
707 RANfunctionsIDcause-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..maxofRANfunctionID)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {RANfunctionIDcause-ItemIEs} }\r
708 \r
709 RANfunctionIDcause-ItemIEs      X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
710         { ID id-RANfunctionIEcause-Item         CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE RANfunctionIDcause-Item            PRESENCE mandatory },\r
711         ...\r
712 }\r
713 \r
714 \r
715 RANfunctionIDcause-Item ::= SEQUENCE {\r
716         ranFunctionID                           RANfunctionID,\r
717         ricCause                                RICcause,\r
718         ...\r
719 }\r
720 \r
721 \r
722 -- **************************************************************\r
723 --\r
725 --\r
726 -- **************************************************************\r
727 RICserviceUpdateFailure ::= SEQUENCE {\r
728         protocolIEs                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICserviceUpdateFailure-IEs}},\r
729         ...\r
730 }\r
731 \r
732 RICserviceUpdateFailure-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
733         { ID id-RANfunctionsRejected            CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE RANfunctionsIDcause-List           PRESENCE optional}|\r
734         { ID id-TimeToWait                                      CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE TimeToWait                                         PRESENCE optional}|\r
735     { ID id-CriticalityDiagnostics              CRITICALITY ignore      TYPE CriticalityDiagnostics                     PRESENCE optional},\r
736         ...\r
737 }\r
738 \r
739 -- **************************************************************\r
740 --\r
742 --\r
743 -- **************************************************************\r
744 RICserviceQuery ::= SEQUENCE {\r
745         protocolIEs                                     ProtocolIE-Container    {{RICserviceQuery-IEs}},\r
746         ...\r
747 }\r
748 \r
749 RICserviceQuery-IEs X2AP-PROTOCOL-IES ::= {\r
750         { ID id-RANfunctionsAccepted            CRITICALITY reject      TYPE RANfunctionsID-List                        PRESENCE optional},\r
751         ...\r
752 }\r
753 \r
754 END\r
755 -- ASN1STOP\r
756 \r
757 \r
758 -- ASN1START\r
759 -- **************************************************************\r
760 --\r
761 -- Information Element Definitions\r
762 -- Derived from 3GPP X2AP 36.423v15.4.0 section 9.3.5 x2ap-IEs\r
763 -- see also 3GPP X2AP 36.423 section 9.3.5 x2ap-IEs\r
764 -- **************************************************************\r
765 \r
766 E2AP-IEs {\r
767 iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 28458 exp(99) mobileDomain (0) ric (21) modules (3) e2ap (2) version1 (1) e2ap-IEs (2) }\r
768 \r
770 \r
771 BEGIN\r
772 \r
774         CauseRadioNetwork,\r
775         CauseTransport,\r
776         CauseProtocol,\r
777         CauseMisc\r
778 FROM X2AP-IEs;\r
779 \r
780 -- A\r
781 -- B\r
782 -- C\r
783 \r
784 CauseRIC ::= ENUMERATED {\r
785         function-id-Invalid, \r
786         action-not-supported, \r
787         excessive-actions,\r
788         duplicate-action, \r
789         duplicate-event,\r
790         function-resource-limit, \r
791         request-id-unknown, \r
792         inconsistent-action-subsequent-action-sequence, \r
793         control-message-invalid, \r
794         call-process-id-invalid,\r
795         function-not-required, \r
796         excessive-functions, \r
797         ric-resource-limit,\r
798         ...\r
799 }\r
800 -- D\r
801 -- E\r
802 -- F\r
803 -- G\r
804 -- H\r
805 -- I\r
806 -- J\r
807 -- K\r
808 -- L\r
809 -- M\r
810 -- N\r
811 -- O\r
812 -- P\r
813 -- Q\r
814 -- R\r
815 RANfunctionDefinition ::= OCTET STRING\r
816 \r
817 RANfunctionID ::= INTEGER (0..4095)\r
818 \r
819 RICactionDefinition ::= OCTET STRING\r
820 \r
821 RICactionID ::= INTEGER (0..255)\r
822 \r
823 RICactionType ::= ENUMERATED{\r
824         report,\r
825         insert,\r
826         policy,\r
827         ...\r
828 }\r
829 \r
830 RICcallProcessID ::= OCTET STRING\r
831 \r
832 RICcause ::= CHOICE {\r
833         radioNetwork            CauseRadioNetwork,\r
834         transport                       CauseTransport,\r
835         protocol                        CauseProtocol,\r
836         misc                            CauseMisc,\r
837         ric                                     CauseRIC,\r
838         ...\r
839 }\r
840 \r
841 RICcontrolAckRequest ::= ENUMERATED{\r
842         noAck,\r
843         ack,\r
844         nAck,\r
845         ...\r
846 }\r
847 \r
848 RICcontrolHeader ::= OCTET STRING\r
849 \r
850 RICcontrolMessage ::= OCTET STRING\r
851 \r
852 RICcontrolStatus ::= ENUMERATED{\r
853         success,\r
854         rejected,\r
855         failed,\r
856         ...\r
857 }\r
858 \r
859 RICeventTriggerDefinition ::= OCTET STRING\r
860 \r
861 RICindicationHeader ::= OCTET STRING\r
862 \r
863 RICindicationMessage ::= OCTET STRING\r
864 \r
865 RICindicationSN ::= INTEGER (0..65535)\r
866 \r
867 RICindicationType ::= ENUMERATED{\r
868         report,\r
869         insert,\r
870         ...\r
871 }\r
872 \r
873 RICrequestID ::= SEQUENCE {\r
874         ricRequestorID                          INTEGER (0..65535),\r
875         ricRequestSequenceNumber        INTEGER (0..65535),\r
876         ...\r
877 }\r
878 \r
879 RICsubsequentAction ::=SEQUENCE{\r
880         ricSubsequentActionType         RICsubsequentActionType,\r
881         ricTimeToWait                           RICtimeToWait,\r
882         ...\r
883 }\r
884 \r
885 RICsubsequentActionType ::= ENUMERATED{\r
886         continue,\r
887         wait,\r
888         ...\r
889 }\r
890 \r
891 RICtimeToWait ::= ENUMERATED{\r
892         zero,\r
893         w1ms,\r
894         w2ms,\r
895         w5ms,\r
896         w10ms,\r
897         w20ms,\r
898         w30ms,\r
899         w40ms,\r
900         w50ms,\r
901         w100ms,\r
902         w200ms,\r
903         w500ms,\r
904         w1s,\r
905         w2s,\r
906         w5s,\r
907         w10s,\r
908         w20s,\r
909         w60s,\r
910         ...\r
911 }\r
912 \r
913 -- S\r
914 -- T\r
915 -- U\r
916 -- V\r
917 -- W\r
918 -- X\r
919 -- Y\r
920 -- Z\r
921 \r
922 END\r
923 -- ASN1STOP\r
924 \r
925 \r
926 -- ASN1START\r
927 -- **************************************************************\r
928 --\r
929 -- Constant definitions\r
930 -- Derived from 3GPP X2AP 36.423v15.4.0 section 9.3.7 x2ap-Constants\r
931 -- see also 3GPP X2AP 36.423 section 9.3.7 x2ap-Constants\r
932 -- **************************************************************\r
933 \r
934 E2AP-Constants {\r
935 iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 28458 exp(99) mobileDomain (0) ric (21) modules (3) e2ap (2) version1 (1) e2ap-Constants (4) }\r
936 \r
938 \r
939 BEGIN\r
940 \r
942         ProcedureCode,\r
943         ProtocolIE-ID\r
944 FROM X2AP-CommonDataTypes;\r
945 \r
946 -- **************************************************************\r
947 --\r
948 -- Elementary Procedures\r
949 -- Note: see also x2ap-Constants for ProcedureCode less than 200\r
950 -- **************************************************************\r
951 id-ricSubscription                                                              ProcedureCode ::= 201\r
952 id-ricSubscriptionDelete                                                ProcedureCode ::= 202\r
953 id-ricServiceUpdate                                                             ProcedureCode ::= 203\r
954 id-ricControl                                                                   ProcedureCode ::= 204\r
955 id-ricIndication                                                                ProcedureCode ::= 205\r
956 id-ricServiceQuery                                                              ProcedureCode ::= 206\r
957 \r
958 \r
959 -- **************************************************************\r
960 --\r
961 -- Lists\r
962 -- Note: see also x2ap-Constants\r
963 -- **************************************************************\r
964 maxofRANfunctionID                              INTEGER ::=256\r
965 maxofRICactionID                                                                INTEGER ::= 16\r
966 \r
967 -- **************************************************************\r
968 --\r
969 -- IEs\r
970 -- Note: see also x2ap-Constants for ProtocolIE-ID less than 60000\r
971 -- **************************************************************\r
972 id-RANfunction-Item                                                             ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60001\r
973 id-RANfunctionDefinition                                                ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60002\r
974 id-RANfunctionID                                                                ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60003\r
975 id-RANfunctionID-Item                                                   ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60004\r
976 id-RANfunctionIEcause-Item                                              ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60005\r
977 id-RANfunctionsAccepted                                                 ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60006\r
978 id-RANfunctionsAdded                                                    ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60007\r
979 id-RANfunctionsDeleted                                                  ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60008\r
980 id-RANfunctionsModified                                                 ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60009\r
981 id-RANfunctionsRejected                                                 ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60010\r
982 id-RICaction-ToBeSetup-Item                                             ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60011\r
983 id-RICactions-Admitted                                                  ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60012\r
984 id-RICaction-Admitted-Item                                              ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60013\r
985 id-RICactions-NotAdmitted                                               ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60014\r
986 id-RICaction-NotAdmitted-Item                                   ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60015\r
987 id-RICactionDefinition                                                  ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60016\r
988 id-RICactionID                                                                  ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60017\r
989 id-RICactionType                                                        ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60018\r
990 id-RICcallProcessID                                                             ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60019\r
991 id-RICcause                                                                     ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60020\r
992 id-RICcontrolAckRequest                                                 ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60021\r
993 id-RICcontrolHeader                                                             ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60022\r
994 id-RICcontrolMessage                                                    ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60023\r
995 id-RICcontrolStatus                                                             ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60024\r
996 id-RICeventTriggerDefinition                                    ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60025\r
997 id-RICindicationHeader                                                  ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60026\r
998 id-RICindicationMessage                                                 ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60027\r
999 id-RICindicationSN                                                              ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60028\r
1000 id-RICindicationType                                                    ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60029\r
1001 id-RICrequestID                                                                 ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60030\r
1002 id-RICrequestorID                                                               ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60031\r
1003 id-RICrequestSequenceNumber                                             ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60032\r
1004 id-RICsubscription                                                              ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60033\r
1005 id-RICsubsequentAction                                                  ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60034\r
1006 id-RICsubsequentActionType                                              ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60035\r
1007 id-RICtimeToWait                                                                ProtocolIE-ID ::= 60036\r
1008 \r
1009 \r
1010 END\r
1011 -- ASN1STOP\r