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[it/dev.git] / docs / xapp_onboarder / guide / config-file.json
1 {
2         "xapp_name": "mcxapp",
3         "version": "1.0.2",
4         "containers": [
5                 {
6                         "name": "mcxapp",
7                         "image": {
8                                 "registry": "",
9                                 "name": "o-ran-sc/ric-app-mc",
10                                 "tag": "1.0.2"
11                         },
12                         "command": "/playpen/bin/"
13                 }
14         ],
15         "livenessProbe": {
16             "exec": {
17                 "command": ["/usr/local/bin/health_ck"]
18             },
19             "initialDelaySeconds": 5,
20             "periodSeconds": 15
21         },
22         "readinessProbe": {
23             "httpGet": {
24                 "path": "ric/v1/health/alive",
25                 "port": 8080
26             },
27             "initialDelaySeconds": 5,
28             "periodSeconds": 15
29         },
30         "messaging": {
31                 "ports": [
32                         {   
33                                 "name": "http",
34                                 "container": "mcxapp",
35                                 "port": 8080,
36                                 "description": "http service"
37                         },
38                         {
39                                 "name": "rmr-data",
40                                 "container": "mcxapp",
41                                 "port": 4560,
42                                 "txMessages":
43                                 [
44                                         "RIC_SUB_REQ",
45                                         "RIC_SUB_DEL_REQ"
46                                 ],
47                                 "rxMessages":
48                                 [
49                                         "RIC_SUB_RESP",
50                                         "RIC_SUB_FAILURE",
51                                         "RIC_SUB_DEL_RESP",
52                                         "RIC_INDICATION"
53                                 ],
54                                 "policies": [1,2],
55                                 "description": "rmr data port for mcxapp"
56                         },
57                         {
58                                 "name": "rmr-route",
59                                 "container": "mcxapp",
60                                 "port": 4561,
61                                 "description": "rmr route port for mcxapp"
62                         }
63                 ]
64         },
65         "controls": {
66                 "active": true,
67                 "interfaceId": {
68                         "globalENBId": {
69                                 "plmnId": 123456,
70                                 "eNBId": 5678
71                         }
72                 },
73                 "ves_collector_address": "",
74                 "measurement_interval": 10000,
75                 "simulator_mode": "true",
76                 "debug_mode": "true",
77                 "local": {
78                         "host": ":8080"
79                 },
80                 "logger": {
81                         "level": 3
82                 }
83         },
84         "metrics": [
85             {
86                 "objectName": "UEEventStreamingCounters",
87                 "objectInstance": "SgNBAdditionRequest",
88                 "name": "SgNBAdditionRequest",
89                 "type": "counter",
90                 "description": "The total number of SG addition request events processed"
91             },
92             {
93                 "objectName": "UEEventStreamingCounters",
94                 "objectInstance": "SgNBAdditionRequestAcknowledge",
95                 "name": "SgNBAdditionRequestAcknowledge",
96                 "type": "counter",
97                 "description": "The total number of SG addition request acknowledge events processed"
98             }
99         ]
100 }