[Epic-ID: ODUHIGH-538][Issue-ID: ODUHIGH-566] Fixes to read SIB1 configuration from...
[o-du/l2.git] / docs / api-docs.rst
1 .. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
2 .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
5 ########
6 API-Docs
7 ########
9 This is the API-docs for I release o-du/l2.
11 .. contents::
12    :depth: 3
13    :local:
15 Introduction
16 ============
18 This section tabulates the APIs Aligned(Implemented)/Not Implemented/Additional APIs between various modules of 
19 ODU-High and also with external modules of ORAN.
21 *****************
22 F1 Interface APIs
23 *****************
25 Below table lists APIs Aligned(Implemented)/Not Implemented at F1 interface of
26 ODU-High i.e. between O-DU and O-CU. These are in line with 3GPP 38.473 V15.3.0.
28 +------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
29 | Interface  |    API                        | Status          | Section   | Remark                                  |
30 +============+===============================+=================+===========+=========================================+
31 |            |Reset                          | Aligned         |    |                                         |
32 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
33 |            |Reset Acknowledge              | Aligned         |    |                                         |
34 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
35 |            |Error Indication               | Not Implemented |    |                                         |
36 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
37 |            |F1 Setup Request               | Aligned         |    |                                         |
38 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
39 |            |F1 Setup Response              | Aligned         |    |                                         |
40 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
41 |            |F1 Setup Failure               | Not Implemented |    |                                         |
42 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
43 |            |GNB-DU Configuration Update    | Aligned         |    |                                         |
44 | **CU**     +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
45 | & **DU**   |GNB-DU Configuration Update    | Aligned         |    |                                         |
46 |            |Acknowledge                    |                 |           |                                         |
47 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
48 |            |GNB-DU Configuration Update    | Not Implemented |    |                                         |
49 |            |Failure                        |                 |           |                                         |
50 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
51 |            |GNB-CU Configuration Update    | Not Implemented |   |                                         |
52 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
53 |            |GNB-CU Configuration Update    | Not Implemented |   |                                         |
54 |            |Acknowledge                    |                 |           |                                         |
55 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
56 |            |GNB-CU Configuration Update    | Not Implemented |   |                                         |
57 |            |Failure                        |                 |           |                                         |
58 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
59 |            |GNB-DU Resource Coordination   | Not Implemented |   |                                         |
60 |            |Request                        |                 |           |                                         |
61 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
62 |            |GNB-DU Resource Coordination   | Not Implemented |   |                                         |
63 |            |Response                       |                 |           |                                         |
64 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
65 |            |GNB-DU Status Indication       | Not Implemented |   |                                         |
66 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
67 |            |UE Context Setup Request       | Aligned         |    |                                         |
68 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
69 |            |UE Context Setup Response      | Aligned         |    |                                         |
70 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
71 |            |UE Context Setup Faliure       | Not Implemented |    |                                         |
72 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
73 |            |UE Context Release Request     | Aligned         |    |                                         |
74 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
75 |            |UE Context Release Command     | Aligned         |    |                                         |
76 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
77 |            |UE Context Release Complete    | Aligned         |    |                                         |
78 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
79 |            |UE Context Modification        | Aligned         |    |                                         |
80 |            |Request                        |                 |           |                                         |  
81 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
82 |            |UE Context Modification        | Aligned         |    |                                         |
83 |            |Response                       |                 |           |                                         |
84 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
85 |            |UE Context Modification        | Not Implemented |    |                                         |
86 |            |Failure                        |                 |           |                                         |
87 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
88 |            |UE Context Modification        | Not Implemented |   |                                         |
89 |            |Required                       |                 |           |                                         |
90 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
91 |            |UE Context Modification        | Not Implemented |   |                                         |
92 |            |Confirm                        |                 |           |                                         |
93 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
94 |            |UE Inactivity Notification     | Not Implemented |   |                                         |
95 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
96 |            |Notify                         | Not Implemented |   |                                         |
97 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
98 |            |Initial UL RRC Message         | Aligned         |    |                                         |
99 |            |Transfer                       |                 |           |                                         |
100 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
101 |            |DL RRC Message Transfer        | Aligned         |    |                                         |
102 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
103 |            |UL RRC Message Transfer        | Aligned         |    |                                         |
104 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
105 |            |Write-Replace Warning Request  | Not Implemented |    |                                         |
106 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
107 |            |Write-Replace Warning Response | Not Implemented |    |                                         |
108 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
109 |            |PWS Cancel Request             | Not Implemented |    |                                         |
110 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
111 |            |PWS Cancel Response            | Not Implemented |    |                                         |
112 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
113 |            |PWS Restart Indication         | Not Implemented |    |                                         |
114 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
115 |            |PWS failure Indication         | Not Implemented |    |                                         |
116 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
117 |            |System Information Delivery    | Not Implemented |    |                                         |
118 |            |Command                        |                 |           |                                         |
119 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
120 |            |Paging                         | Aligned         |    |                                         |
121 +------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
123 *****************
124 E2 Interface APIs
125 *****************
127 This section tabulates the APIs Aligned(Implemented)/Not Implemented between ODU-High and Near-RT RIC.
128 These are in line with O-RAN.WG3.E2GAP-R003-v03.00 and O-RAN.WG3.E2AP-R003-v03.00.
129 Below mentioned section number are taken reference from sections of O-RAN.WG3.E2AP-R003-v03.00.
131 +------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
132 | Interface  |    API                        | Status          |Section    | Remark                                  |
133 +============+===============================+=================+===========+=========================================+
134 |            |RIC Subscription procedure     | Aligned         |8.2.1      |                                         |
135 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
136 |            |RIC Subscription Delete        | Aligned         |8.2.2      |                                         |
137 |            |procedure                      |                 |           |                                         | 
138 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
139 |            |RIC Subscription Delete        | Aligned         |8.2.2A     |                                         |
140 |            |Required procedure             |                 |           |                                         | 
141 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
142 |            |RIC Indication procedure       | Aligned         |8.2.3      |                                         |
143 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
144 |            |RIC Control procedure          | Not Implemented |8.2.4      |                                         |
145 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
146 |            |RIC Subscription Modification  | Aligned         |8.2.5      |                                         |
147 |            |procedure                      |                 |           |                                         | 
148 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
149 | **DU**     |RIC Subscription Modification  | Aligned         |8.2.6      |                                         |
150 | &**RIC**   |Required procedure             |                 |           |                                         | 
151 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
152 |            |RIC query procedure            | Not Implemented |8.2.7      |                                         |
153 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
154 |            |E2 Setup procedure             | Aligned         |8.3.1      |                                         |
155 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
156 |            |Reset procedure                | Aligned         |8.3.2      |                                         |
157 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
158 |            |Error Indication               | Aligned         |8.3.3      |                                         |
159 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
160 |            |RIC Service Update procedure   | Aligned         |8.3.4      |                                         |
161 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
162 |            |E2 Node Configuration Update   | Aligned         |8.3.5      |                                         |
163 |            |procedure                      |                 |           |                                         | 
164 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
165 |            |E2 Connection Update procedure | Aligned         |8.3.6      |                                         |
166 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
167 |            |E2 Removal procedure           | Aligned         |8.3.7      |                                         |
168 +------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
170 ********************************
171 ODU-High Internal Interface APIs
172 ********************************
174 Below table lists APIs Aligned(Implemented)/Not Implemented/Additional APIs between various modules of ODU-High. 
175 These are in line with ORAN-WG8.AAD-v9.00.00, hereafter referred to as AAD Spec.
177 Note: DU APP module consist functionality related to F1 Handler, E2 Handler and O1 Handler.
179 +------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
180 | Interface  |    API                        | Status          | Section   | Remark                                  |
181 +============+===============================+=================+===========+=========================================+
182 |            |Cell Configuration             | Aligned         |   |                                         |
183 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
184 |            |Slice Configuration            | Aligned         |   |                                         |
185 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
186 |            |Bring Cell Up                  | Additional API  |           |Notify DU to bring specific cell up      |
187 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
188 |**SMO-OAM** |Bring Cell Down                | Additional API  |           |Notify DU to bring specific cell down    |
189 |& **DU APP**+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
190 |            |Slice PM                       | Additional API  |           |DU APP sends PM for all Slices every 60s |
191 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
192 |            |Raise Cell Alarm               | Additional API  |           |DU APP alarms during cell state change   |
193 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
194 |            |Set the cell operational state | Additional API  |           |DU APP inform cell state[ACTIVE/INACTIVE]|
195 +------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
196 |            |DL Transfer                    | Aligned         |   |                                         |
197 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
198 |            |UL Transfer                    | Aligned         |   |                                         |
199 | **RLC**    +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
200 | & **MAC**  |Schedule Result Reporting(DL)  | Aligned         |   |                                         |
201 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
202 |            |Buffer Status Report(UL)       | Aligned         |   |                                         |
203 +------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
204 |            |Air Interface Time             | Aligned         | |                                         |
205 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
206 |            |Cell Configuration Request     | Aligned         | |                                         |
207 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
208 |            |Cell Delete Request            | Aligned         | |                                         |
209 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
210 |            |Slice Configuration Request    | Aligned         | |                                         |
211 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
212 |            |Slice Reconfiguration Request  | Aligned         | |                                         |
213 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
214 |            |Add UE Configuration Request   | Aligned         | |                                         |
215 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
216 |            |UE Reconfiguration Request     | Aligned         | |                                         |
217 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
218 |            |Delete UE Request              | Aligned         | |                                         |
219 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
220 |            |DL HARQ Indication             | Aligned         | |                                         |
221 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
222 |            |UL Harq Indication(CRC)        | Aligned         | |                                         |
223 | **MAC** to +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
224 |  **SCH**   |UL Channel Quality Information | Not Implemented ||                                         |
225 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
226 |            |DL Channel Quality Information | Not Impelemented||                                         |
227 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
228 |            |RACH Indication Contents       | Aligned         ||                                         |
229 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
230 |            |Paging Indication Contents     | Aligned         ||                                         |
231 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
232 |            |RACH Resource Request          | Aligned         ||                                         |
233 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
234 |            |RACH Resource Release          | Aligned         ||                                         |
235 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
236 |            |DL RLC Buffer Status Info      | Aligned         ||                                         |
237 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
238 |            |Scheduling Request Indication  | Aligned         ||                                         |
239 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
240 |            |UL Buffer Status Report Ind    | Aligned         ||                                         |
241 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
242 |            |Power Headroom Indication      | Aligned         ||                                         |
243 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
244 |            |Statistics Request             | Additional API  |           | Adding new statistics group             |
245 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
246 |            |Statistics Modification Request| Additional API  |           | Modification of statistics group        |
247 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
248 |            |Statistics Delete Request      | Additional API  |           | Deletion of statistics group            |
249 +------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
250 |            |Cell Configuration Response    | Aligned         | |                                         |
251 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
252 |            |Cell Delete Response           | Aligned         | |                                         |
253 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
254 |            |Slice Configuration Response   | Aligned         | |                                         |
255 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
256 |            |Slice ReConfiguration Response | Aligned         | |                                         |
257 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
258 |            |UE Configuration Response      | Aligned         | |                                         |
259 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
260 |            |UE ReConfiguration Response    | Aligned         | |                                         |
261 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
262 |            |UE Delete Response             | Aligned         | |                                         |
263 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
264 | **SCH** to |DL Scheduling Information      | Aligned         | |                                         |
265 |    **MAC** +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
266 |            |UL Scheduling Information      | Aligned         | |                                         |
267 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
268 |            |RAR Information                | Not Required    ||Included in DL Scheduling Info           |
269 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
270 |            |Downlink Control Channel Info  | Not Required    ||Included in DL Scheduling Info           |
271 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
272 |            |Downlink Broadcast Allocation  | Not Required    ||Included in DL Scheduling Info           |
273 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
274 |            |Downlink Paging Allocation     | Aligned         ||                                         |
275 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
276 |            |HARQ Process Release           | Additional API  |           |SCH indicates MAC to release a HARQ      |
277 |            |                               |                 |           |process in case a positive acknowledement|
278 |            |                               |                 |           |is received or achieved maximum retrans. |
279 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
280 |            |RACH Resource Response         | Additional API  |           |Response to RACH Resource Request for    |
281 |            |                               |                 |           |dedicated resource for CF-RA             |
282 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
283 |            |Statistics Response            | Additional API  |           |Response to statistics request           |
284 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
285 |            |Statistics Modification        | Additional API  |           |Response to statistics modification      |
286 |            |Resonse                        |                 |           |request                                  | 
287 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
288 |            |Statistics Delete Response     | Additional API  |           |Response to statistics delete request    |
289 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
290 |            |Statistics Indication          | Additional API  |           |Calculate the KPI related to a specific  |
291 |            |                               |                 |           |statistics group                         | 
292 +------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
293 |            |Cell Start                     | Aligned         |    |                                         |
294 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
295 |            |Cell Stop                      | Aligned         |    |                                         |
296 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
297 |            |Cell Configuration Request     | Additional API  |           |Configures cell information at MAC.      | 
298 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
299 |            |Cell Configuration Response    | Additional API  |           |Response to cell Cfg Req from DUAPP      |    
300 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
301 |            |Cell Delete Request            | Additional API  |           |Deletes cell information at MAC.         | 
302 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
303 |            |Cell Delete Response           | Additional API  |           |Response to Cell Del request from DU APP | 
304 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
305 |            |Slice Configuration Request    | Additional API  |           |Configures Slice at MAC                  | 
306 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
307 |            |Slice ReConfiguration Request  | Additional API  |           |ReConfigures Slice at MAC                | 
308 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
309 |            |Slice Configuration Response   | Additional API  |           |Response to Slice Cfg req from DU APP    |
310 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
311 |            |Slice ReConfiguration Response | Additional API  |           |Response to Slice ReCfg req from DU APP  |
312 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
313 |**DU APP**  |UE Create Request              | Aligned         |    |                                         | 
314 | & **MAC**  +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
315 |            |UE Create Response             | Aligned         |    |                                         | 
316 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
317 |            |UE Reconfiguration Request     | Aligned         |    |                                         | 
318 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
319 |            |UE Reconfiguration Response    | Aligned         |    |                                         | 
320 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
321 |            |UE Delete Request              | Aligned         |    |                                         | 
322 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
323 |            |UE Delete Response             | Aligned         |    |                                         | 
324 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
325 |            |RACH Resource Request          | Aligned         |    |                                         | 
326 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
327 |            |RACH Resource Response         | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
328 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
329 |            |RACH Resource Release          | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
330 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
331 |            |UE Reset Request               | Not Implemented |   |                                         | 
332 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
333 |            |UE Reset Response              | Not Implemented |   |                                         | 
334 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
335 |            |UE Sync Status Indication      | Not Implemented |   |                                         | 
336 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
337 |            |UL CCCH Indication             | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
338 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
339 |            |DL CCCH Indication             | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
340 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
341 |            |DL PCCH Indication             | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
342 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
343 |            |DL Broadcast Request           | Not Implemented |   |                                         | 
344 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
345 |            |Slot Indication                | Additional API  |           |Indication about the ongoing SFN and     |
346 |            |                               |                 |           | Slot information to DU APP              | 
347 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
348 |            |Statistics Request             | Additional API  |           | Adding new statistics at DU layer       |
349 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
350 |            |Statistics Response            | Additional API  |           | Response to statistics request from MAC |
351 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
352 |            |Statistics Modification Request| Additional API  |           | Modification of statistics at DU layer  |
353 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
354 |            |Statistics Modification        | Additional API  |           | Response to statistics modification     |
355 |            |Response                       |                 |           | request from MAC                        | 
356 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
357 |            |Statistics Delete Request      | Additional API  |           | Deletion of statistics at DU layer      |
358 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
359 |            |Statistics Delete Response     | Additional API  |           | Response to statistics delete request   |
360 |            |                               |                 |           | from MAC                                | 
361 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
362 |            |Statistics Indication          | Additional API  |           | Sending the calculated KPI value to DU  |
363 |            |                               |                 |           | from MAC                                | 
364 +------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
365 |            |UE Create                      | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
366 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
367 |            |UE Create Response             | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
368 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
369 |            |UE Reconfiguration             | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
370 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
371 |            |UE Reconfiguration Response    | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
372 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
373 |            |UE Delete                      | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
374 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
375 |            |UE Delete Response             | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
376 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
377 |            |DL-RRC Message Transfer        | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
378 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
379 |            |UL-RRC Message Transfer        | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
380 |**DU APP**  +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
381 |  & **RLC** |UL-RRC Message Delivery Report | Aligned         |   |                                         | 
382 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
383 |            |RLC Max Retransmission Reached | Not Implemented |  |                                         | 
384 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
385 |            |UL-RLC Re-establishment Request| Not Implemented |  |                                         | 
386 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
387 |            |UL-RLC Re-establshment Response| Not Implemented |  |                                         | 
388 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
389 |            |DL RRC Message Response        | Additional API  |           |Informs DU APP if a DL RRC Message was   |
390 |            |                               |                 |           |successfuly procesed at RLC & sent to MAC| 
391 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
392 |            |DL User Data                   | Additional API  |           |DL user data exchanged from DUAPP to RLC | 
393 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
394 |            |UL User Data                   | Additional API  |           |UL user data exchanged from RLC to DUAPP | 
395 |            +-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+
396 |            |Slice Performance Metrics      | Additional API  |           |Performance Metrics informed to DUAPP    |
397 |            |                               |                 |           |every 60sec for every slice configured   | 
398 +------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------+