Merge "Update documentation for DMaaP Mediator Producer"
[nonrtric.git] / dmaap-mediator-producer / docs / swagger.yaml
1 definitions:
2   jobs.BufferTimeout:
3     properties:
4       maxSize:
5         type: integer
6       maxTimeMiliseconds:
7         type: integer
8     type: object
9   jobs.JobInfo:
10     properties:
11       info_job_data:
12         $ref: '#/definitions/jobs.Parameters'
13       info_job_identity:
14         type: string
15       info_type_identity:
16         type: string
17       last_updated:
18         type: string
19       owner:
20         type: string
21       target_uri:
22         type: string
23     type: object
24   jobs.Parameters:
25     properties:
26       bufferTimeout:
27         $ref: '#/definitions/jobs.BufferTimeout'
28     type: object
29 info:
30   contact: {}
31   license:
32     name: Apache 2.0
33     url:
34   title: DMaaP Mediator Producer
35   version: 1.1.0
36 paths:
37   /admin/log:
38     put:
39       description: Set the log level of the producer.
40       parameters:
41       - description: string enums
42         enum:
43         - Error
44         - Warn
45         - Info
46         - Debug
47         in: query
48         name: level
49         type: string
50       responses:
51         "200":
52           description: ""
53         "400":
54           description: Bad Request
55           schema:
56             type: string
57       summary: Set log level
58       tags:
59       - Admin
60   /health_check:
61     get:
62       description: Get the status of the producer. Will show if the producer has registered
63         in ICS.
64       responses:
65         "200":
66           description: ""
67       summary: Get status
68       tags:
69       - Data producer (callbacks)
70   /info_job:
71     post:
72       consumes:
73       - application/json
74       description: Callback for ICS to add an info job
75       parameters:
76       - description: Info job data
77         in: body
78         name: user
79         required: true
80         schema:
81           $ref: '#/definitions/jobs.JobInfo'
82       responses:
83         "200":
84           description: ""
85         "400":
86           description: Bad Request
87           schema:
88             type: string
89       summary: Add info job
90       tags:
91       - Data producer (callbacks)
92   /info_job/{infoJobId}:
93     delete:
94       description: Callback for ICS to delete an info job
95       parameters:
96       - description: Info job ID
97         in: path
98         name: infoJobId
99         required: true
100         type: string
101       responses:
102         "200":
103           description: ""
104       summary: Delete info job
105       tags:
106       - Data producer (callbacks)
107   /swagger:
108     get:
109       description: Get the Swagger API documentation for the producer.
110       responses:
111         "200":
112           description: ""
113       summary: Get Swagger Documentation
114       tags:
115       - Admin
116 swagger: "2.0"