Fix config file for hw-go
[ric-app/hw-go.git] / config / config-file.json
1 {
2     "name": "hw-go",
3     "version": "0.0.1",
4     "vendor": "ric-app",
5     "moId": "SEP",
6     "containers": [
7         {
8             "name": "hw-go",
9             "image": {
10                 "registry": "",
11                 "name": "o-ran-sc/ric-app-hw-go",
12                 "tag": "0.0.1"
13             },
14             "resources": {
15                 "limits": {
16                     "cpu": "1",
17                     "memory": "50Mi"
18                 },
19                 "requests": {
20                     "cpu": "1",
21                     "memory": "100Mi"
22                 }
23             }
24         }
25     ],
26     "livenessProbe": {
27         "httpGet": {
28             "path": "ric/v1/health/alive",
29             "port": 8080
30         },
31         "initialDelaySeconds": 5,
32         "periodSeconds": 15
33     },
34     "readinessProbe": {
35         "httpGet": {
36             "path": "ric/v1/health/ready",
37             "port": 8080
38         },
39         "initialDelaySeconds": 5,
40         "periodSeconds": 15
41     },
42     "messaging": {
43         "ports": [
44             {
45                 "name": "http",
46                 "container": "example",
47                 "port": 8080,
48                 "description": "http service"
49             },
50             {
51                 "name": "rmr-route",
52                 "container": "example",
53                 "port": 4561,
54                 "description": "rmr route port for example"
55             },
56             {
57                 "name": "rmr-data",
58                 "container": "example",
59                 "port": 4560,
60                 "maxSize": 65536,
61                 "rxMessages": ["RIC_SUB_RESP", "RIC_SUB_FAILURE", "RIC_SUB_DEL_RESP", "RIC_INDICATION"],
62                 "txMessages": ["RIC_SUB_REQ", "RIC_SUB_DEL_REQ", "RIC_SGNB_ADDITION_REQ", "RIC_SGNB_ADDITION_ACK"],
63                 "mtypes" : [
64                         {"name":"TESTNAME1","id":55555},
65                         {"name":"TESTNAME2","id":55556}
66                 ],
67                 "policies": [],
68                 "description": "rmr data port for example"
69             }
70         ]
71     },
72     "controls": {
73         "logger": {
74             "level": 3
75         },
76         "subscription": {
77             "subscriptionActive": true
78         }
79     },
80     "metrics": {
81         "url": "/ric/v1/metrics",
82         "namespace": "ricxapp"
83     },
84     "faults": { },
85     "measurements": [
86         {
87             "moId": "XAPP-example",
88             "measType": "X2AP_Streaming",
89             "measId": "91001",
90             "measInterval": "60",
91             "metrics": [
92                 {
93                     "objectName": "UEEventStreamingCounters",
94                     "objectInstance": "SgNBAdditionRequest",
95                     "name": "ricxapp_ExampleXapp_SgNBAdditionRequest",
96                     "type": "counter",
97                     "description": "The total number of SG addition request events processed"
98                 },
99                 {
100                     "objectName": "UEEventStreamingCounters",
101                     "objectInstance": "SgNBAdditionRequestAcknowledge",
102                     "name": "ricxapp_ExampleXapp_SgNBAdditionRequestAcknowledge",
103                     "type": "counter",
104                     "description": "The total number of SG addition request acknowledge events"
105                 }
106             ]
107         }
108     ],
109     "db" : {
110             "waitForSdl": false
111     }
112 }