1 # Copyright 2023 highstreet technologies GmbH
3 # Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (the "License");
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5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing software
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18 A TypeDefinition as enum for countries
24 Afghanistan = 'Afghanistan'
29 AntiguaAndBarbuda = 'Antigua and Barbuda'
30 Argentina = 'Argentina'
32 Australia = 'Australia'
34 Azerbaijan = 'Azerbaijan'
37 Bangladesh = 'Bangladesh'
45 BosniaAndHerzegovina = 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'
50 BurkinaFaso = 'Burkina Faso'
52 CaboVerde = 'Cabo Verde'
56 CentralAfricanRepublic = 'Central African Republic'
62 CongoDemocraticRepublic = 'Congo (Democratic Republic of the)'
63 CongoRepublic = 'Congo (Republic of the)'
64 CostaRica = 'Costa Rica'
65 CoteDIvoire = "Côte d'Ivoire"
69 CzechRepublic = 'Czech Republic'
73 DominicanRepublic = 'Dominican Republic'
76 ElSalvador = 'El Salvador'
77 EquatorialGuinea = 'Equatorial Guinea'
92 Guatemala = 'Guatemala'
94 GuineaBissau = 'Guinea-Bissau'
101 Indonesia = 'Indonesia'
110 Kazakhstan = 'Kazakhstan'
112 Kiribati = 'Kiribati'
113 KoreaNorth = 'Korea (North)'
114 KoreaSouth = 'Korea (South)'
117 Kyrgyzstan = 'Kyrgyzstan'
124 Liechtenstein = 'Liechtenstein'
125 Lithuania = 'Lithuania'
126 Luxembourg = 'Luxembourg'
127 Madagascar = 'Madagascar'
129 Malaysia = 'Malaysia'
130 Maldives = 'Maldives'
133 MarshallIslands = 'Marshall Islands'
134 Mauritania = 'Mauritania'
135 Mauritius = 'Mauritius'
137 Micronesia = 'Micronesia'
140 Mongolia = 'Mongolia'
141 Montenegro = 'Montenegro'
143 Mozambique = 'Mozambique'
148 Netherlands = 'Netherlands'
149 NewZealand = 'New Zealand'
150 Nicaragua = 'Nicaragua'
153 NorthMacedonia = 'North Macedonia'
156 Pakistan = 'Pakistan'
159 PapuaNewGuinea = 'Papua New Guinea'
160 Paraguay = 'Paraguay'
162 Philippines = 'Philippines'
164 Portugal = 'Portugal'
169 SaintKittsAndNevis = 'Saint Kitts and Nevis'
170 SaintLucia = 'Saint Lucia'
171 SaintVincentAndGrenadines = 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines'
173 SanMarino = 'San Marino'
174 SaoTomeAndPrincipe = 'Sao Tome and Principe'
175 SaudiArabia = 'Saudi Arabia'
178 Seychelles = 'Seychelles'
179 SierraLeone = 'Sierra Leone'
180 Singapore = 'Singapore'
181 Slovakia = 'Slovakia'
182 Slovenia = 'Slovenia'
183 SolomonIslands = 'Solomon Islands'
185 SouthAfrica = 'South Africa'
186 SouthSudan = 'South Sudan'
188 SriLanka = 'Sri Lanka'
190 Suriname = 'Suriname'
192 Switzerland = 'Switzerland'
195 Tajikistan = 'Tajikistan'
196 Tanzania = 'Tanzania'
197 Thailand = 'Thailand'
198 TimorLeste = 'Timor-Leste'
201 TrinidadAndTobago = 'Trinidad and Tobago'
204 Turkmenistan = 'Turkmenistan'
208 UnitedArabEmirates = 'United Arab Emirates'
209 UnitedKingdom = 'United Kingdom'
210 UnitedStates = 'United States'
212 Uzbekistan = 'Uzbekistan'
214 VaticanCity = 'Vatican City'
215 Venezuela = 'Venezuela'
219 Zimbabwe = 'Zimbabwe'