test new functionality to update and delete profiles
[nonrtric/plt/sme.git] / capifcore / configs / capif.yaml
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: ServiceAccount
3 metadata:
4   name: helm-app
5   namespace: default
6 ---
7 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
8 kind: ClusterRoleBinding
9 metadata:
10   name: helm-app
11 roleRef:
12   apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
13   kind: ClusterRole
14   name: cluster-admin
15 subjects:
16   - kind: ServiceAccount
17     name: helm-app
18     namespace: default
19 ---
20 apiVersion: apps/v1
21 kind: Deployment
22 metadata:
23   name: capif-deployment
24   namespace: default
25   labels:
26     app: capif
27 spec:
28   selector:
29     matchLabels:
30       app: capif
31   template:
32     metadata:
33       labels:
34         app: capif
35         version: v1
36     spec:
37       containers:
38       - name: capif
39         image: o-ran-sc.org/nonrtric/plt/capifcore
40         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
41         ports:
42         - containerPort: 8090
43         resources:
44           limits:
45             memory: 256Mi
46             cpu: "250m"
47           requests:
48             memory: 128Mi
49             cpu: "80m"
50         args: ["-chartMuseumUrl", "http://chartmuseum:8080"]
51       serviceAccountName: helm-app
52   replicas: 1
53 ---
54 apiVersion: v1
55 kind: Service
56 metadata:
57   name: capif
58   namespace: default
59 spec:
60   selector:
61     app: capif
62   ports:
63     - protocol: TCP
64       port: 80
65       targetPort: 8090
66       nodePort: 31570
67   type: NodePort